First and foremost I would like to welcome any incoming freshman that have joined the Jaguar Nation this spring semester. Congratulations on you all’s acceptance into this interesting HBCU and may the odds be forever in your favor along with your tedious journey to success. Also, I would like to welcome back all students, faculty, and staff for another stressful and eventful semester here at Southern University. Hopefully everyone had a fun, yet safe, winter break but now it’s time to get back in the game.
I must say that the first week of school was exhausting for me, and probably a few others, after running back and forward throughout campus trying to reclaim my classes that were lost after the first purge. I blame miscommunication of the rules and regulations for accepting your financial aid offer semester to semester, but now I know. Two semesters of being a student here and I have yet to breeze through any type of registration. Just a little word of advice…stay ahead of the game! Don’t get discouraged if you were unable to get back in one or more of the classes that you lost, like some of us, but instead find something more productive to spend your time doing. To all the seniors graduating this spring semester, stay focused and keep your head in the books. This is not the time to slack off and lollygag around campus because I’m pretty sure you’ve had enough of these so called “200 point quizzes”. To me, that is a full-blown test. Any knowledge assessment worth one hundred points or more is most definitely a test. Quiz and test cannot and should not be used synonymously!
Now we all can sense Mardi Gras creeping around the corner and I am so ready to take a break and have a little fun for a couple of days. If you are a student from out of state, I advise going down to the bayou city called New Orleans and participating in the Mardi Gras extravaganza. Try to make it to as many parades as you can and just enjoy the ambiance and festivities in the French Quarter. Go out and have fun but absolutely do not get drunk and drive…always have a designated SOBER driver. Be safe and come back in one piece because school stops for no man.
All-&-all, I hope everyone has a great and successful spring semester! Put your best foot forward in everything that you do to finish at the top of your class. Remember, graduation is the goal and every decision that you make can affect when and where that goal may come to be. Do not waste your time with stupidity, pettiness, and incompetence for that will only distract you from being the first to cross the finish line.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” ~Dr. Seuss
January 26, 2016
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