The road to recovery for Southern wide receiver, Devon Gales reached new heights when he felt his knee and the bottom of his foot for the first time since his injury.
His injury in September against University of Georgia caused Gales to be paralyzed and receive medical care at the Shepard Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
When he was taken off of the field on a stretcher, he had no feeling in his body.
Now he has reached a milestone in his physical therapy.
“It’s just amazing to know that feeling is coming back and I have a chance to walk again,” Gales told Channel 2’s Tyisha Fernandes in an exclusive interview.
During the interview, Gales was able to hold a cellphone to his ear and use it on his own, which is progress on his end after four months of recovery. Besides that, he can move his hands and some of his fingers.
In the Shepard Center on one night while transferring him from one chair to another, Gales noticed that he could feel his knee.
“Just when I transferred, they hit my knee and I was like ‘Ow! I felt that’, then I started to feel the hair on my legs,” said Gales.
His mom was a witness for the time when Gales could feel the bottom of his feet.
“She was pushing it and I was like, OK, I feel that and it was a weird feeling because I didn’t have that feeling before. Just to know I had feeling coming back and I could feel the carpet, I was like Ooh, I like it.
Gales has been living in the main part of the Shepard Center since his injury and now has encountered some sort of independence when he was moved to the residence part due to his increased progress.
“I know I can go watch tv if I want or go lay down and I know there’s so many people that supported me through this accident and knowing I’m getting better is just a blessing,” finished Gales.
A long road of recovery is rest and reassured for the Southern wide receiver and has great news for when he gets to his feet.