First, I want to start off by saying I hate politics as much as the next person. Why anyone would want such a job is beyond me!
Let’s face it, elections are nothing but competitions to see who can tell the best half-lie, and make people believe it in hopes of getting votes.
However, given my perspective on politics, I still believe the idea of not voting is absurd. In my opinion, people take for granted being born in a democratic society.
I’m not going to go into a long history lesson of the Civil Rights era, but I am going to say it is because of this period in history that I am motivated to vote. It’s a new time and because of others before me I watch the debates because I can give my feedback because I have a voice, and I’m going vote because it is my right as a citizen.
I’m well aware of the frustrations and injustices within our country but I’ll never be ignorant enough to believe that not voting is going to help our problems.
Over the summer I watched as thousands of people were displaced from their homes, following orders from their dictators in Rio just for the 2016 Olympics buildings, (which may never have a second use).
Here in America, all we’re asked to do is pick the leader of our choosing, and half of us can’t even do that. It’s crazy how there are some people who won’t stand in a line to vote but will camp out all night for the next pair of Jordans, or the new IPhone. Wake up people! Get your priorities together!
Trump is a lunatic; his campaign is a circus act and despite the fact that he offends people everyday, he is still the longest running joke in history.
I personally, have never seen so many Republicans speak out against someone in their own political party. If you can honestly say you feel comfortable with this man in office then that’s fine but if not, then you are not expressing your rights being an unregistered voter.
Southern University even makes this process easy. There are many organizations hosting events on campus encouraging students to vote. It’s not that hard to take 5 minutes out of your day to find one.
Also, Obama addressed the situation for voting for third party candidates by saying “If you vote for a third-party candidate who’s got no chance to win, that’s a vote for Trump.” With that being said, I completely agree. Yes, I understand the idea of being non-democratic or republican is nice and all but lets speak realistically. If you are voting outside of these two major parties and into one you know will never be in office anytime soon, then you have wasted a vote. Don’t let nice thoughts cloud your intelligence! Even if you’re not sure what party to become apart of or even if you want to join one and then become independent, but don’t let it go to waste. Choose the person you believe is going to best benefit the country. Don’t let our elders’ long fight become nothing more than a memory. Have an opinion, have a voice, and GO VOTE!
No vote is a dead voice: Real Talk
October 4, 2016
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