This past Tuesday, the third night of Southern University’s Homecoming week the student body got a lot of laughs in for this year’s comedy show. The comedians that were featured were D’Lai, Lil Duval, Kevin Tate, and Doboy.
The comedians were very excited to be here on our campus and the students were even more anxious to see what jokes were going to be brought out that night. D’Lai was the show’s host and contributed to the jokes as well in-between acts. The comedians made jokes about relationships, they way girls and guys act, and also discussed real life situations as well.
The comedians definitely made their jokes relatable to the African American community and that’s what made them so funny. We can all relate to all types of drama that occurs, and sometimes all you can do is laugh about it. Some of the comedians had a few words to share after the show and talked about their life as a comedian.
That nights host D’Lai answered a few questions after the show
DIGEST: how do you like it here at The Southern University?
D’Lai: “This was my first time doing a show at an HBCU and it was definitely a game changer. I’ve only done shows at PWI’s and they wanted the show to be censored and it didn’t seem as real to me. Now coming here, it is more free and everyone understands the jokes and where you are coming from. This is honestly the best college I have ever done.”
DIGEST: What inspired you to become a comedian?
D’Lai: “At first I started out as a Black Jack dealer and a guy said I should just try it and he got me a way in but the first time I did it was terrible. As I continued to just practice and keep on doing it I got better and continued to love what I do.”
DIGEST: What advice do you live by that has gotten you where you are today? D’Lai: “Do the absolute best of what you can do.”
DIGEST: Favorite comedian other yourself? D’Lai: “Me first but I don’t really have a favorite but I do love a lot of comedians. I am a fan of good work and that’s why I like what Kevin Hart does he shows what hard work is.”
DIGEST: Advice to students that want to have a career in comedy?
D’Lai: “Just get on stage and try it.” These comedians are on the rise to become the next big thing and it is good that students got a chance to see them live at their own university. Comedian Kevin Tate was asked the same questions and also had a few words to share after the show.
DIGEST: how do you like it here at the Southern University?
Tate: “This was a super amazing experience and it was my first time at an HBCU performing.”
DIGEST: What inspired you to become a comedian?
Tate: “How I started out was at first I was a ball player in college and my brother was into comedy so he basically influenced me to do it as well.”
DIGEST: What advice do you live by that has gotten you to where you are today? Tate: “The quote that I live by is with God you can do anything, without him you can’t.”
DIGEST: Favorite comedian other than yourself?
Tate: “My favorite Comedian other than myself would have to be Eddie Murphy.”
DIGEST: Advice to students that want to have a career in comedy?
Tate: “My advice would be to just do it, it’s not a study you just have to get out there and do it and you can.” From the looks of it the comedy show was a success and Southern University will be looking forward for the next show during next year’s Homecoming.
Doboy performs his set at Southern's Homecoming comedy show