In celebration of Bayou Classic, the Student Government Association (SGA) along with the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. held a holiday toy drive in the Student Union on Wednesday, November 16.
The University’s SGA in partnership with Grambling State University’s SGA sponsored the toy drive as a part of its second annual Bayou Classic Community Service Project.
Both Southern and Grambling will meet at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans, Louisiana at 11 AM on Thanksgiving day to pass out the toys to children who may not get to be home during this holiday season.
From noon until 2 PM, students were encouraged to drop off toys and donations as the second part of the toy drive.
One week earlier, the three organizations gathered to collect toys for the same cause. About 300 toys have been collected from SU, thus far.
SGA Chief of Staff and Senior rehabilitation major, True Brown, expressed that the true purpose is to spread the Christmas spirit.
“We just wanted to say thank you to everyone on Southern University’s campus that gave back and helped us to cheer somebody else up during the holidays,” said Brown.
Senior Rehabilitation Counseling major and President of Beta Sigma Alpha Fraternity Inc, Sherman Gray Jr., stated that it is the support from the various organizations along with the student body that contribute to the effort of helping a child that is less fortunate.
“By donating, you’re involved,” said Gray.
President of the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and mechanical engineering senior, Mikea Hooker, explained how the partnership of the three organizations is essential to its success.
“Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. is an organization with a primary focus on giving back to the community so when asked to partner with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the Student Government Association, we were delighted,” said Hooker.
“We do not want any child to be left behind or alone this Christmas,” Hooker finished.
Before the start of the Bayou Classic parade, the hospital and its staff along with the children patients and their families will join both universities in a fun filled atmosphere in hopes of helping them to forget any present obstacles and simply smile in the present.
SGA President and senior accounting major, Zana Harris, spoke of how vital it is to be a part of this community service project.
“It’s important for young children to see people that look like them, that represent them doing something positive so that in the next 10 or 15 years, they’re doing the exact same thing and affecting the next generation,” said Harris.
“They look up to figures like us,” she went on to say.
In achieving the goal of spreading the Christmas spirit and giving back to make a difference, both student government bodies from SU and GSU will dress up for the hospital visit.
Harris will be dressed as Mrs. Claus while Student Government Association President of Grambling State University, Michael Meadows, will be dressed as Santa Claus.
The members of SU’s SGA will dress as reindeer and GSU’s SGA members will present themselves as elves.
“It’s always good to see that you put a smile on someone’s face,” finished Harris.
Holiday Heroes: Student organizations give back
November 22, 2016
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