Meet the Blacks is an American produced comedy, horror, spoof film that was released this past Friday, April 1. It is initially a parody of the film, “The Purge”, with a twist of comedy. The films leading role goes to Image award winning actor, Mike Epps, who plays Carl Black, a cable installer. In the movie the Blacks family, which includes the Black’s kids, Alex Henderson who plays Carl Jr., and Bresha Webb, who plays Allie and also Zulay Henao who plays Lorena, Carl’s wife. They live in Chicago, where there are no real opportunities for the family to succeed and better themselves. In an unfortunate situation, Carl steals a giant stack of money and marijuana from a gangster, who was arrested earlier in the movie, and agrees to let it change life so he decides to move the family to the lavish, Beverly Hills, California. Since Beverly Hills is a predominantly white neighborhood, the comedic irony of course was that an African American family, was moving in. As the blacks begin to settle into their new home, they start to notice some weird and very strange behavior from everyone in the neighborhood, who they felt were either really angry about their presence or very welcoming, too welcoming. President El Bama played by George Lopez, announces the annual a twelve hour purge, where no crime committed in the nation is considered illegal. Though the family was in grave danger, the optimistic Carl Black assured the family that they were out of the dangerous streets of Chicago and in the nice and safe Beverly Hills, where “They do not even believe in the purge.” The movie features a list of award winning actors, actresses, singers, and comedians. All of which have the same if not similar motives, revenge from Carl Black in some way, most of the issues dealt with money issues from the past. The most shocking pop up in the movie is followed by the release of the drug dealer, portrayed by Charlie Murphy which Epps stole the money and marijuana from, and of course he wants it all back. Well the family’s cousin, Cronut, goes and does a little digging and finds Black’s stash, and does not try to keep it secret from himself. Some of the movie’s guest stars include, Tameka ‘Tiny’ Cottle, Perez Hilton, Charlie Murphy, Mike Tyson, King Bach, Lil Duval, and even DeRay Davis. Meet the Blacks available in theaters today see local theaters to find show times.