Will administration please sit down?
Due to further investigation I have found out that the lack of employee raises and misuse of institutional funds runs far deeper than I thought. The insight I gained was very eye opening. The fact still remains that waters don’t run too deep. Most people including myself assumed that the Board of Supervisors were the ones getting the large salaries but in reality, the pay isn’t that much. The Southern University System is made up of a hierarchy. It is stack up like this because the Board of Regents are over everything, including the Board of Supervisors, the President Chancellor and least important the administrative staff who are more like secretaries “aka” underlings. Like with the governor of Louisiana and the President of the United States, these people get paid large salaries. When John Bel Edwards was elected governor, he was questioned for the raises that he approved for his administrative staff after blaming Bobby Jindal for the same practice. According to governor Edwards, it cost to keep a top notched staff. The only problem with this is when you have a Ph.D. with 20 years of experience making $40,000 a year and a person who has a bachelor’s degree making twice or three times that amount this practice becomes questionable. I still stand by the fact that the Board of Supervisors needs to stand up and reevaluate and reformate the system. Whoever is getting the pay raises, are the people who never teach a class or contribute to the everyday operations of the campus. No one knows who they are or what they do. To me this is worst then the Board of Supervisors receiving raises. These people are the lowest in the system organization. Our faculty and staff who haven’t seen a raise in almost eight years are the ones that deserve the pay raises. If you work at Walmart, you get a raise every year. We as students have to stand by them because they are the ones teaching us every day and providing us with the training we will need in our chosen fields. How can they provide us with the best education if their morale is low. So we have to start demanding the best and ask how are the ones in the big house aka the J.S. Clark Administrative Building are spending the funds. I said in my previous article since they combined the offices of President Chancellor, why can’t they combine some of these administrative positions or why do they need such a large administrative staff in the first place? With the budget crisis that the state of Louisiana is dealing with and the problems that need fixing on campus like the elevators in the library, instead of giving unnecessary people pay raises and investing in a $12 million on a building project, the system needs to fix what’s already broken. We need the leadership of someone like former President, Delores Spikes, who was one of the best presidents that cared more about the students and the university then her own personal gain. This is what Smith and Brown were fighting for when they were killed on this campus. That is why the union is named after them. Southern needs to take many lessons from the man we are taught to learn about every black history month, Mr. Booker T. Washington. Stop spending money you don’t have on unimportant things and fix what is already broken. Self-sacrifice is the lesson of the day.
Will the administration please sit down
April 19, 2016
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