As a college student you will find yourself lost most of the time. Lost in class when you have that one teacher that never stays on topic. Lost on the exam that you will receive in the class of said teacher. You’ll even be lost in making the decision on doing your homework on time or procrastinating until the night before it’s due. Face it, being lost in college is common, however, how you find your way back is the challenge but rest assure there is someone waiting to assist you, and that lovely person is known as an advisor. The life of a college advisor, must be nice. You are deemed responsible for the guidance of hundreds of young adults, assisting them with the responsibilities that they will encounter throughout their years in higher education. Every issue, and concern, whether it be educational or personal, is supposed to be assisted in any way, to help the relationship between student and advisor. Since every advisor is assigned to students by the students major, the chances of assisting students in any way are supposed to be higher based on the advisor’s background with the knowledge from the school, life, and career path. Is the process always that smooth one might ask, do fish walk out of water and hold conversations with humans? Sometimes you’ll find yourself asking “Do I really need to visit my advisor because honestly where is the assistance”? Until you think about the rules that have been implemented and constantly pounded into your head until you follow through, “You have to visit your advisor for at least four mandatory appointments a semester”. Now you’re stuck with the responsibility with scheduling an appointment, ensuring your one on one time with just your adviser and you. But of course your advisor is gone for the day, has appointments booked all the only day you are available, or they are even teaching their class at the time you need them the most. All of which you necessarily have no control over but while they are lecturing their 3:30 class, your life has been falling to shambles since 10:30 when you left biology class that morning. Maybe just maybe you are like me, blessed with an advisor that actually cares. Gives you all the advice you need to hear, and none of the things you want to hear. Constantly checks up on you, even when you don’t want to be checked up on at all, and someone always touches basis with you in more than just an educational way. Someone will read this and say, I’m just happy my advisor finally knows my name, let along ask how I am doing with school, or about my personal life. Well I would personally trade that in rather than someone I don’t know all over again. It’s hard building relationships all over again, not impossible but hard. It’s like how will I ever begin to get comfortable enough to succeed and I can’t even get comfortable enough with the same person for more than a semester or two.