Last week, the Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosted their annual Alpha Week. The theme this year was Phorbes Magazine. The fraternity hosted an event almost every day of the week.
They kicked off their week on Monday, October 22 with “A Tribute to the Black Woman.” The event was held in the Cotillion Ballroom in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. The men partnered with the women of the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,Inc. for this event. Following this event, they hosted a professional development event called “Secure the Bag.” They partnered with the women of the Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. for this event.
On Tuesday morning, they went to talk to high school students at Southern University Laboratory School about going to college. Later that evening, they hosted a domestic violence seminar, called “My Black is Gold,” in TT Allain.
On Wednesday, they were supposed to have “Ice Cold Pretty Wednesday” with the Deltas outside of the union. Many students showed up, but there was no DJ. Some students pulled their cars up in front of the union and blasted music so they could still have something to dance to. Several Alphas and Deltas were inside taking their graduation pictures and supporting their friends inside of the Cotillion Ballroom during the Pretty Wednesday time.
That evening, they held their annual Miss Black and Gold Pageant. The theme was “Phorbes Woman, Self-Made Majesty: My Black is Gold” in the Event Center. Jordan Ezell, a 21-year-old nursing major from Mobile, Alabama was crowned the Beta Sigma Chapter’s 2018-2019 Miss Black and Gold. She will go on to compete in the district level Miss Black and Gold. Ty’ra Mack, a 20 year old accounting major from Lake Charles, Louisiana did not win, but she still enjoyed her experience. “Miss Black and Gold Pageant was such a great experience,” said Mack.
Like most of the pageants on campus, the crowd was full, with not only Southern students being in the crowd. Deandre Louis, a 21-year-old student from BRCC says he enjoys pageants at Southern. “It was cool, pageants at Southern are always lit, especially between events when they’re in the back changing and the DJ is playing music,” said Louis.
Thursday was “Train like an Alpha,” were female students teamed up and battled against each other with strolls taught to them by the Alphas. Alexis Jones, a 19-year-old sophomore nursing major competed in the event. She says it was a great and memorable experience. “It was exhilarating. I came out of my comfort zone and I met a lot of new people. We put in a lot of hard work and it was great to see how it all paid off in the end. It was definitely an experience I will remember,” said Jones.
Saturday, they hosted a tailgate around the Alpha tree before the Jackson State game.
Phorbes: Alpha Week 2018
October 30, 2018
Jordan Ezell, a 21 year old nursing major from Mobile, Alabama gets crowned as the 2018-19 Miss Black and Gold by Miss Black and Gold 2017-18 Alana Stevenson, on October 24, 2018 in the event center.
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