Actor and producer Darrin Henson visited the Bluff recently to discuss responsibility and the dangers of procrastination to not only life as a student, but life as a professional in the workforce as well. During this event, Mr. Henson gave insight to his personal life and career while speaking openly upon everyone in attendance. Dr. F. Carl Walton felt that this event was vital for students to have positive exposure. He hopes that the students “heard the insight” just as he did.
The night began with an open discussion between Mr. Henson and Aliya Creecy, a 22 year old mass communication major from New Orleans, LA. Aliya went on to tell us that the inspiration started well before the event began. She reflects on the words that Mr. Henson shared as she thinks about her future.
“Responsibility means responding to your ability,” Mr. Henson began. He gave a different outlook on the meaning of responsibility and how the students and staff should take on life. The first key point that was given was to “be a voice.” How will you show up in the world? What will you do to stand out? In summary, it is all about programs, thoughts, actions, and results. One must be willing to take advantage of opportunities, but also ask more of themselves than anybody could ever ask. If someone wants results, then they must work for it. While working towards the future, remember to enjoy the now. Time waits for no one.
Procrastination is not conducive to meeting one’s goals. It is better to put the time into work now, rest later. Mr. Henson said if someone really wants something, they should meet it head on. As he spoke, he emphasized the word “passionate.” It does not matter what life presents, if one is passionate about what they want, then they will remain “inspired.” Which leads into the next point, “Leave space to communicate with yourself.” In other words, listening to yourself gives someone the opportunity to truly understand what it is they want out of life. Nothing is too difficult for someone who truly is inspired. Mr. Henson suggests the idea to look for difficulties giving oneself the opportunity to set themselves apart from the crowd; in other words, to show up and show out in the world. In a world where there are so many people willing to try, there are twice as many willing to give up. Mr. Henson’s personal inspiration is the ability to do things that his mind says he can do regardless of what others say. In life people have to “go through it in order to grow through it and eventually glow through it.”
In life everyone will always be faced with obstacles. How one works through these obstacles are what determines the success of someone. A fool learns from their own mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others. There is something to learn everywhere even from those who are not doing anything. For the third point, Mr. Henson expands on the “Law of Attraction.” According to the law, everything in the universe is vibrating and working as magnets to move closer to each other. Here the old saying, “opposites attract” was proven to be wrong. In life people move to those who they are like. If one notices themselves starting to dislike or disagree with another person, it is simply a sign that someone is growing apart. Although it is hard to let go, sometimes it is easier to just “Let go and allow assistance on how to define yourself.” Often people try to hold on to relationships because they are trying to save the other person, but they are the ones who need the fixing. Growing is great, but when someone can not fully let go of the past they are not really growing. In the words of Mr. Henson, “your past does not equal your future unless you live there.”
For the final point, Mr. Henson spoke on the “Law of Correspondence.” With this point yet another old saying was proven to be false, “it is better to give, than receive.” As he spoke, it was explained that giving and receiving is the same thing. In order to give one must have their hand open and in order to receive, one must also have their hand open. It was taught that one must learn to receive in order to give. If one does not know how to receive then they have nothing to give. Knowledge is only potential power; it only becomes powerful once you know how to use it. To succeed one must have understanding to have over-standing to ultimately reach inner-standing, which ties back into being able to communicate with yourself promoting the inspiration that is needed to succeed. Nothing in life is handed to anyone, work must always be put in. The want to learn must be exhibited in oneself. Learning leads to earning, not just in the form of money, but also in the form of satisfaction with oneself. Mr. Darrin Henson said, “you have to damn well learn to earn…don’t worry about the money or the fame, it will come. Nowadays you have to go that extra mile because it is not good enough to just be good anymore.”
Everything in life happens for a reason. Allow your wisdom and knowledge to work for you. It is important to live now, for it will not be the end. Where focus goes, energy grows! Towards the end Mr. Henson emphasized the point that God made everyone for a reason. “You do not need a t-shirt, hat, or flag that says my Black Life Matters to know that you are more than enough. You are here for a reason. You are worthy and validated.” Remember that time is in the now. Once the time has passed, it is gone. One must be tuned in, taped in, and turned on. “When you’re outstanding, you stand out.”
Show Up and Show Out: An Evening with Darrin Dewitt Henson
March 16, 2021
Actor, author, producer, director, choreographer, and dancer, Darrin Dewitt Henson gives insight on life experiences as he speaks to a group of Southern University students on Tuesday, March 9 inside the Royal Cotillion ballroom. (Douglas Taylor/Digest)
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