“Most HBCUs are very firm about sticking to tradition, but here at Southern University, we aren’t afraid of progression and have the ability to switch things up a bit. That’s what makes us so unique from the rest.” Says Lauryn Freeman, a Sophomore fashion major here at Southern.
Wednesday September 11th at 8:00pm saw Southern broke from tradition as the first Pretty Wednesday “After Dark” took place. Unlike common Pretty Wednesday events held in the day time, this nightly event came with a different vibe. Not only were there more students but there were also many things that took place during this event that brought more student amusement. Student Government had a lot to do with this leading to an outstanding turnout for the night.
Pretty Wednesday is an event that has been ongoing for years on Southern’s campus. It all started as a day to dress up in business casual clothes, representing the future Black students of the corporate world, but has slowly changed to a day less about professional development and more about social development as it has turned into a mini outdoor party each Wednesday.
Executive Director for Pre-College and Outreach and class of 92 graduate, Dr. Camacia Smith-Ross, wants Pretty Wednesday to return to its roots, “There were no Pretty Wednesday when I was an undergrad. I think that it’s great that its a time to socialize but I also think that it could serve a better role in being a networking event.”
Tents for students who were campaigning surrounded students and became one of the main attractions of the night, as free candy, and drinks were handed out as bribery to gain students votes. In between songs each candidate would introduce themselves, tell their classifications, and inform students to vote for them.
Just when you though the event was starting to settle, in came the Greeks giving off their best strolls, leaving the crowd more hyped throughout the night.
Next the attention shifted to the red carpet located on one side of the union, as different candidates running for student government each strutted up and down one by one showing over their boldness of confidence and different looks.
Alycia primus, a nursing major Freshman expressed how she feels the event should be held on more nights, “Most students have class during the times that Pretty Wednesday is taking place, including me. Imagine how many more students would enjoy the event if it were held on some nights. I Know for a fact I would.” After the two-hour event ended students then took to twitter to express how much of a good time, they had and how putting some pretty Wednesday at night wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Overall many students were pleased with the event, and the student government president, Donald Dunbar, received great feedback. Hopefully Southern students will continue to go beyond the tradition, and continue switching things up beyond the usual standpoints.
Pretty Wednesday Goes Dark
September 17, 2019
Students gather around Smith-Brown Memorial Union to enjoy their first pretty Wednesday at night on September 11. (Amari Cannon/DIGEST)
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