This is just from an outside looking in perspective, because I’ve never actually taken the SGA Test, or even really been interested in joining. But, I can see where both sides of the argument on the test are coming from.
On one hand, let’s say we do away with the test. SGA really is the main face of the the school. So, as a student body, do we really want unqualified students running for offices that represent us? Also, any student that is serious about an office would make sure they go above and beyond simply attending the study session. They would take those notes from the study session serious, so that there would be no issues for them when it comes to passing the SGA test.
On the other hand, students should have the freedom to run for office, with their only restrictions being their GPA. Student government is just that, student government. SGA is the face of the school, but they aren’t real politicians. Who knows, maybe one day they will be, but so could the people that are hindered from being able to run because of this test. We all pay for SGA, so why can’t we all just run for the office of our choice without a test to restrict us? Even if you know the information, everybody isn’t a good test taker, and many say that the test questions are very vague. When it comes to vague questions, the way I interpret the question could be different from the way the maker of the test anticipated it being interpreted.
Also, just because anyone can run, doesn’t mean everyone will. Some people feel like too many people will be on the ballot if everyone with the GPA could run, but I highly doubt it. College elections are not high school elections. A few homemade posters and some candy won’t cut it. Running a good college campaign requires a good platform. Also, a collegiate campaign can get very expensive very fast, so everyone would not be willing to run. Also, everyone doesn’t have an interest in being a SGA official.
Some people even argue that if anyone could run for SGA, the elections would just be a popularity contest…as if it isn’t already a popularity contest.
At the end of the day, I’m only on the outside looking in, but I agree with a test, or at least some form of informative training being administered. If every year there’s a problem with students passing the test, maybe some adjustments need to be made to the test, the people grading the test, or even just the method of preparing people for office.