A topic that’s under-discussed in the pathway of higher educational development is the gaps in the education system. There are always going to be those handful of college professors that students dislike. That’s just guaranteed as a college student, but what I think is under-discussed by all universities, including Southern University, is the quality of teaching by these professors who are suppose to be passing down their knowledge. Now, what I’m not saying is that these professors are bad professors, which is something I think people get mistaken too easily. What I do think though, is that most professors have such a high level of expertise, they don’t always know how to teach what they preach.
Coming as a general college student, I personally think that this university needs a better way of evaluating the professors they hire. Not necessarily the evaluation system they have, but specifically the way the professor uses various techniques to teach. Some may disagree, saying that professors aren’t required to assist students to such depths, but speaking for many students I can say, students will respond positively to professors who will show them extra assistance.
The gaps in the institutional process are something that could honestly be looked at from both perspectives. From the professor’s perspective, there are always students who are not understanding the information being teached, but didn’t use all of their resources to provide further explanation. We are college students, and I see why professors take the stance of holding us accountable for our performance. But, as someone who is being paid to pass down the information obtained, and paid to make sure the students understand the objective of the class, there is always going to be a certain level of standard that a professor should hold for themselves. The university needs to establish the professor’s credibility to teach at the level they are teaching at.
Being that it is now 2019, there is always going to be different techniques of teaching. Not everyone can be the student who can read the book, listen to the lecture, and be able to relay back what they learned. What I think should be considered by all educational platforms is the newer ways of teaching, mainly through inneractive lessons. Students of all ages are learning in a way they can interpret the information, and any way they are able to learn is a technique that is very underdeveloped. Technology is one of those newly implemented techniques which, I think has taken educational development to new heights.
Being able to obtain a lot of information, and relay information to a group of students isn’t easy, but it isn’t hard either. Being able to relay information that a student can use, and say they have learned, is now found to be difficult. No university is perfect, but if students are held accountable for our performances, why shouldn’t teachers be held accountable for theirs? A student’s ability to learn does depend on the professor’s ability to teach. Until this message is stressed, there will continue to be gaps within the institutional process.