Demetrius Sumner, SGA President 2010-2011, and his current administration seeks tangible results to bring awareness and success to the Southern University student body.
“My focus is restoring the campus with student advocacy, student programming, and restore confidence in the SGA,” stated Sumner, and provide a variety of activities to engage the student body and submerge them in culture, history, and academics.”
Sumner along with his administration is trying to restore confidence in Student Government through his initiatives. He is a strong believer in student advocacy where the administration engages students in their decisions.
Sumner, Current member of the Southern University chapter of NAACP and Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity, “All about the students.” Proving this by using his SGA salary to work on some of this year’s projects.
“We want to work together to feasibly please the students and establish and keep a good relationship with the administration. Formulating a partnership,” said Kye Lewis, SGA Vice-President.
The new administration is trying to engage students who would stay in their rooms to create a social and academic environment. Focused on making initiatives on campus that effect the future they are building the university up.
“We want to make sure we all stay on the same page. Students are our first goal. We want students to not be afraid to stop by and ask questions. SGA is a place where everyone and anyone can participate,” said Alicia Archie, SGA Chief of Staff.
Any student who is interested in getting involved can stop by the SGA office; located on the second floor of Smith-Brown Memorial Union. There is a short volunteer form addressing your contact information and volunteer interests.
“We want to establish, keep, and maintain a relationship with the administration. The SGA will work to bring back more student spirit. One individual can only do so much but, collectively we can do more,” said Lewis.
The 2010-2011 SGA Administration plans to utilize Facebook and Twitter to post updates and information pertaining to this year’s events and projects.
“I will assist by helping the SGA regularly communicate information of importance to the student body. My approach for my tenure is to do something that no other Director of Communications for SGA has done and that is actually communicate with the student body. I communicate constantly with Facebook, Twitter, and the SUBR SGA webpage,” said Dontrail Dobison, SGA Director of Communications.
This year’s projects include open discussion with the administration including; weekly walks around campus with Chancellor Kofi Lomotey.
“We need to re-build the bridge of communication between SU Administration and the SGA Administration. Meet comfortably to discuss the needs of the students, SGA, and SU Administration,” said Archie.
While retention and enrollment are all down, the new SGA Administration urges students to believe in SU and get involved in bringing the old Jaguar spirit back.