President George W. Bush is involved with the New World Order.
Bush is also a 13th cousin to President Barack Obama
President Obama is involved with the Illuminati and Jay-Z worships the devil.
These statements are commonly labeled as conspiracy theories among society. What makes a conspiracy theory a conspiracy?
The term “conspiracy” is defined as an agreement among conspirators: a plot. The term “theory” is defined as abstract thought. An abstract thought designed in the form of a plot, in my view, is defined as an intelligent view on a certain issue. There are always two or more sides to a story.
The average person would analyze information which may seem outrageous and outlandish to the common mind. If we look at history, there was a time when a majority of people on American soil were Puritans. A movement suddenly emerged, which was termed the Transcendentalist movement. This movement included prominent American figures such as Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Benjamin Franklin and other literary figures. They wanted to stray away from the belief of everything surrounding God. They basically developed other perceptions of life and its existence. They valued nature and believed in the principals of working hard in order to become wealthy instead of wholly depending on faith.
Puritans viewed Transcendentalists as conspiracy theorists, but today they are considered to be the greatest intellectuals that lived during the 1800s.
The so called “conspiracy theories” can only be labeled and defined as a “conspiracy theory” by the person analyzing the theory. There are many compelling theories surrounding President Obama, America, the New World Order, Halliburton, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderburg Group, Aliens, AIDS and other groups and acronyms.
I believe some theories but not all; however, overall it is MY final decision that determines if a theory is true or not. I believe AIDS is manmade due to “The River,” written by Edward Hooper. The information I read was convincing. I believe the RDIF chip is in the process of being mandated into human flesh due to a DVD documentary entitled “Zeitgeist.” The information I observed and compared was convincing. I believe America is now the North American Union.
Again, the information I observed was convincing. We must all have an open mind to different theories and ideas. No matter how absurd and belligerent the idea may sound or look. The whole purpose of the mind is to use it to interpret information in your own perspective. I will simply end this editorial with some food for thought.
Theology is defined as the study of God, religious doctrines and matters of divinity. The adjective “theoretical” means based on theory or speculative. Both words have the prefix “theo-,” which is based on the Greek “theos,” which means to shine, sky, heaven.
Therefore, “theories” are simply God-given ideas.
What’s conspiracy got to do with it
September 5, 2010
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