Nicole Richie spent 82 minutes in jail for a DUI, having drugs in her possession and driving the wrong way down a MAJOR highway in Los Angeles and Lindsay Lohan once spent 84 minutes in jail for a DUI and having cocaine in possession.
Michael Vick spent 19 months in federal prison for dog fighting.
Does anyone else see a problem? I mean Nicole drove down the wrong way on a highway and have marijuana AND vicodin in her system and possession. Lindsay had cocaine in her car. Vick killed a few dogs.
Come on now, so you mean to tell me judges value a dog’s life more than a human. I also think it has something to do with race and gender. Nicole and Lindsay are both white Hollywood socialites while Vick is an NFL player, who makes a legal living who is black. People are more afraid of black men, especially if they have braids or dreadlocks more than they are of skinny white women. Yeah, I said it.
These judges, and even society, is racist. You mean to tell me someone who is famous because their adopted father was a Commodore gets released early but someone who makes an honest living and has a talent gets his career, home, family and friends taken away from him?
Even though I love Nicole Richie, I think driving down a MAJOR interstate the wrong way is more harmful to society than dog fighting.
The socialites receive the normal sentence in court but when they turn themselves in, they serve less than two percent of their sentence. They get released early due to “overcrowding.” I wonder if I got arrested for a DUI, had marijuana, cocaine and vicodin in my possession would I be released early due to “overcrowding.” Hmm … I highly doubt that. It’s the regular people who have families, bills to pay and an education to get who are “crowding” the jail.
Am I the only person who sees something wrong? America’s priorities are really messed up! Granted, dog fighting is wrong and somewhat inhumane, and I know that a sin is a sin but how can you compare a dog to a human life? I’d rather someone dog fighting than someone who is under the influence of multiple drugs driving on the wrong side of the interstate. I mean, it’s just my preference.
You can buy another dog, but can’t buy another life!