Put away the quarters: New Laundry system present
Many Southern University students that live on campus last semester experienced first hand that the struggle is real when you want fresh and clean clothes. Being a college student is already hard enough when we have to worry about getting our money’s worth by passing each class that we pay our hard earned money for, and it takes a toll in terms of finances. We have to pay for books, balances due to cashiers, and etc.
Most of us are currently collecting dust bunnies instead of cash in our purses and wallets. So last semester was especially hard to get clean clothes because the price to wash and dry a load was a dollar and fifty cents. It is common sense that students shouldn’t have to worry about something as trivial as laundry. It is nearly the same as charging twenty five cents to take a shower everyday.
Well this problem for the most part has been solved. Students are no longer required to run around campus looking for change to do laundry.
The University has installed new laundry machines that are more modern to this generation. Southern University dorms are now equipped with new state of the art machines that accepts payment with “laundry cards,” but I can’t say from experience as to how well the process is going.
Curently, there seems to be a few hiccups logistically with regard to distribution of these cards by the housing department since the timeframe in which the cards are distributed is not too quickly.
Students have a four-hour timeframe on Mondays through Fridays between one and four o’ clock. I have tried twice to get a card to have access to the new and improved laundry facilities and both of my attempts were futile. The office has a limited amount of laundry cards to give out, and every time I go they seem to have ran out.
The first time I tried to get a card, I thought to myself that maybe I am the one at fault for waiting so long to get a card. The second time I tried, it was clear to me that it wasn’t my fault. I entered the office to get a card and I was told they ran out, but it turns out they didn’t have any to begin with that day. I asked a fellow student if he had used the laundry facilities, but he didn’t have a card. He was told that cards hasn’t came in yet while I was told something different.
The new machines arrived two weeks ago, for a week and a half they were unavailable to use. Students technically only had one day to receive access cards for the machines. I believe the system, although its a great concept, could be improved because many residents do not have the luxury of going home for the weekends to wash their clothes, nor the luxury to go to a friend’s apartment in the Palisades. I’m optimistic that our dear Southern will fix this issue and more students will obtain cards in the weeks ahead. At least it’s a step in the right direction to ease one of our problems as students who live on campus.