Following President Trump’s inauguration this past Friday, women all over the world decided to unite and march for issues that affect them specifically on Saturday, January 21.
What is being called “Women’s March on Washington,” is now being documented as one of the biggest peaceful protests in history.
This is because the marches not only took place in Washington, but all over the country in states such as New York, California, Hawaii, and even here in Louisiana. The marches also continued in other cities across the world like London, Amsterdam, Ghana, and Fin-land. The march’s purpose, simple, together women want to stand with their family, friends, as well as others who share similar feelings for the protection of their rights, health, and overall well-being.
For years, women have always gotten the shorter end of the stick, being discriminated not only for who they are, but their race, religion, and sexual orientation. Especially here in the United States, where democracy is supposed to be a way of life.
The marches were not to intimidate, or place fear into anyone, but were solely meant to show that women have just the same amount of rights and dignity as anyone else.
Woman are tired of always being subjected to one job, or to stay in one lane, and it was time for everyone to see that women in the 21st century aren’t the average human beings, because they can do it all. It is meant to send a very bold message to our new President, as well as anyone in the legislature that believes otherwise.
This is why the day of the marches unmistakably happened the day after the Presidential Inauguration. It was so profound, and unforgettable that women of all ages joined in marching because this is the first time something like this has ever happened.
Not only did millions of average citizens support the women’s march, but there were several celebrity women who believed in everything the march stood for.
Strong women with huge platforms like Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, and Rihanna not only were at several marches, but others like Madonna and Alica Keys gave speeches to the large crowds, pushing them to continue to strive and always support women empowerment.
The marches have continued to ring in the media’s ears, and though several news outlets feel more uplifting after seeing these acts, there are still those who paint the image of the movement as irra-tional, and ineffective.
For more information on the Women’s March on Washington, other women’s marches, and this powerful movement that supports women, and their empowerment, visit
On the website there is information on all of their official hosting marches, as well as various ways that men and women can come together to support everything these individuals are doing, and lots of information on how we all can support this movement, and spread its awareness around the world.
Now is the time to get our friends, family and community together and MAKE HISTORY.