Brandon Prince
SGA Vice President Breanna Perkins thanking the students in attendance for coming out to the first Senate meeting of 2017 held in the Cotillion Ballroom on Thursday, Jan 12th.
On Thursday, January 12th, the Student Government Association (SGA) Senate called forth their first official meeting of the year in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom to vote on and update the Constitution with revisions that they proposed.
As the meeting was brought to order by SGA Vice President Breanna Perkins, Southern University students along with the newly formed Student Liberation Alliance Movement (SLAM) led by Miss Southern, Corinne Vaughn, filled the ballroom with intentions of being heard by their class senators.
When the floor was opened to the students for public comments,Vaughn and others did not hesitate to address the senators and administration present with their concerns and issues. Most of the students and SLAM members centered their speeches around not having a “voice”, comments made by the SGA President Zana Harris via Twitter, claims of unapproachable SGA leaders and residential housing living conditions.
When asked about her reflections of the Senate meeting, Vaughn replied, “The Senate was allowed to, once again, enact amendments which do not positively affect the students. One amendment in particular is the one which excludes the general student population from running for Miss Southern University, SGA President, SGA Vice President, and Chief Justice, if they have not already served in SGA. This supports that clique culture that has existed in SGA for years…Students should be the main priority, but our SGA has broken their side of the deal with our students. Students have allowed particular officials to represent them, and these officials have done the exact opposite. Students must come together and take back the power.”
However, as of right now the constitution upholds quite a few changes from the Senate’s last meeting.
Some of the changes to the Constitution are as listed: SGA is now Student Government Association of Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. The Gospel Choir and Jaguar lanes have been added to the student assessed fees. The Executive cabinet shall be appointed by the SGA President and approved by the Senate. Upholding of laws and regulations for AWS President, AWS Vice President, Men’s Federation President and Vice President has been to the Constitution. One International Senator shall serve in the Senate and shall be appointed by the Office of International Education with the approval of the Senate by the end of the Spring Semester. In the event that no representative is appointed by the office of International Education, The Senate President will provide a candidate for approval for the senate. Should no international student seek to hold the position, the Student Senate shall be considered complete with a membership of twelve. Each Senator is entitled to only one vote. Organizations that receive a student assessed fee are not eligible to receive funding. If a vacancy occurs on the Student Senate, the Senate President will have the right to nominate a sufficient replacement (one who has fulfilled all requirements for holding office) within one calendar week of the vacancy. One Clerk of Court has been added to the Judicial Branch. If a vacancy occurs in the Judicial Branch, the Chief Justice will have the right to nominate a sufficient replacement (one who has fulfilled all requirements for holding office) within one calendar week. The winner of a given election (Spring, Fall, or Special Election if needed) will be determined by a majority vote on Election Day. In the event of a tie, a runoff election will take place on the next university business day.
The SGA position requirements for President, Vice President, Chief Justice and Miss Southern are a 2.75 GPA, at the time of election, must be at least a sophomore, but must have acquired sixty credit hours by the last day of the spring semester and the candidate must have completed one full year in the Student Government Association in an elected or appointed position prior to running for office.
Even though these laws were passed by the senate, students in attendance along with SLAM felt as though their voices were not a factor in the final decision before voting the law with which states the new requirement for the top tier positions in SGA. After the passing of the law, SLAM left collectively in disbelief.
However, according to Perkins, the meeting outlined the beginning as a step forward to the success of bringing SGA and students of the University together.
“I just really hope that with the large numbers of students coming out to the senate meeting, they stay informed…I’m really happy to see that they are sharing their opinions. It brought on a new sense of urgency and hunger for change,” said Perkins.
The next Senate meeting will be held in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom on Thursday, January 26th, at 6 P.M.