With all of the accolades and notoriety gained, Southern University and the Human Jukebox Marching Band are not exempt from financial effects of Louisiana’s budget cuts to higher institutions of learning.
Due to budget cuts, the underfunded Jukebox marching band finds it difficult to outfit its
members with enough uniforms and equipment.
“Adopt-a-Juke” is a fundraising campaign sponsored by Southern University Alumni that began last year.
“The goal is to secure at least 250 Human Jukebox Partners who will “adopt” members of the marching band making the financial commitment to ensure our student musicians have new uniforms for the fall 2017 season and beyond,” as stated on the Southern University System Foundation website.
“The goal has been secured thanks to alumni, fans, and just lovers of the Human Jukebox …” says Director of Bands, Nathan B. Haymer.
Last spring semester students voted yes on a referendum that raised the band fee from $10 dollars to $60 dollars in order to assist funding of uniforms, equipment, scholarships and other necessary needs. Along with salary increases for the Director and assistants, the referendum generated over $1 million dollars worth of equipment for The Jukebox marching band this fall.
“We’re really excited about it, we really appreciate the students and we’re very thankful. It’s gonna help us out a lot, we already got some things going and we’re looking forward to the future,” says Jukebox percussion instructor. Lorenzo Hart.
“The whole Southern University marching band will be equipped with brand new instruments,” boasts Haymer during a State of the Jukebox Address found on the Human Jukebox Media YouTube page.
“I’m happy that they got new uniforms,” says senior Mass Communications major, Treon Jackson from New Orleans, of the Jukebox band referendum.
With another fall semester under way on the bluff in Baton Rouge, Jaguars can expect the semester to be filled with incoming freshmen, lots of campus activities, and of course, football season.
Last fall, the Jags completed an impressive football campaign that had fans on the edge of their seats, as did the world-renowned band, that is “often imitated, never duplicated.”
The Human Jukebox is the melodic pulse and heartbeat of campus that can be heard and felt on a sunny evening during halftime of a game in A.W. Mumford Stadium or anywhere around the world.
Being the “viral darlings” they are, the band gained more notoriety last fall for their rendition of the song “Controla” by Drake. A Youtube recording of the performance earned the band a feature article in The Fader magazine written by Anupa Mistry. Even with more notoriety and the financial goals being met for Fall 2017, going forward, The Human Jukebox marching band will still require future funding to ensure it can meet the needs of prospective band members.