Southern University can easily be dubbed a “party school.” Most of my family who graduated from Southern will tell you that their days on the yard were beyond lit. The best part of hearing such stories is that no one has evidence. You’re forced to imagine campus and paint the images in your head. Now look at us, a social media era. Every “valuable” moment makes it to Snapchat. Every picture is on the gram, and we hash tag ‘SU’ all across Twitter.
The videos that happen to be too long for your average social media outlet lands itself on some ratchet pornography site. Southern’s party scene is diminishing each day but the surge in sex tapes aren’t so sudden.
I’ve been a Jaguar for three consecutive years and I see a new sex tape surface every single semester. Some of my most popular classmates have been exposed due to choosing poor partners. You know that word gets around the yard faster than the lines in the café that fill up on Mondays. Southern, we have to stop being so trusting of people who don’t have our best interests at heart.
This year I’ve seen frat guys, former women of royalty, and an alleged administrator do the wild thing on sites equally as embarrassing as Worldstar.
I hope that you all aren’t just walking past the Health Center in your spare time, but stopping if needed.
Isn’t it funny how it’s centrally located between your dorm and anywhere you’re going on campus? Stop wasting time.