Last week in the state of Georgia, a woman was pulled over by an officer named Lt. Greg Abbott. She told him she was nervous about being pulled over because she has seen videos of police shooting innocent people. He responded by stating that she didn’t have to worry because they only shoot black people. After I heard of this, I thought about how I’ve been a little worried about being pulled over, and I know I’m not the only one. I have seen many YouTube videos where black people have acted out of fear of the police by either being super nervous, being hostile towards the officer, or even trying to run away from the officer. These actions are all understandable. When you are pulled over by a police officer, you don’t know whether he’s racist or not. You don’t know if he will try to shoot you or not. After seeing so many black people shot by those who are supposed to protect us, and after hearing one of them admit that they only kill black people, it is no wonder why we are distrustful of police officers.
I personally believe that the police are here to protect, not to hurt. My very own father was a state trooper, a retired probation and parole officer, and I am very proud of my father. Yet at the same time I can’t ignore the fact that innocent people are being killed. However, I do believe that not only are drivers at risk. but so are police officers. According to a video on YouTube, made by the Lake Charles Police Department, the officer has no idea who they are pulling over. They don’t know if the driver is a criminal, if they have drugs, or if they have a weapon. They are nervous, as is the driver. So how do we handle ourselves when stopped by the police?
Well I’ll tell you. I did an interview with the chief deputy of the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office, Gary Guillory. He says to listen to the officer’s instructions even if he tells you to get out of the car. He also says it is important to keep your hands visible at all times. From an officer’s point of view, it may look like you have or are going for a weapon. Finally, if you need to get something out of your car, like your registration out of your glovebox, let the officer know that is what you are doing. Because as stated earlier, they don’t know you and might think you’re going for a weapon. So please, the next time you are pulled over by one of the boys in blue, just follow these tips and you should be fine. Just know the officer is there to help with safety and does not want to make it unsafe for you or themselves. It is okay to feel afraid or nervous when you are pulled over, but what’s not okay is allowing fear to take over your actions.