Digest Art
“N*gga”- For Dummies Parental Advisory: Explicit Content
White Audience: No, you cannot say “N*gga.” Why, you may be wondering? Because your cracker grandpa probably used the word with an -er hard enough for your entire bloodline.
Black Audience: “Myyyyy N*gga.” Of course, you can say “N*gga.” You can say “n*gga” over here, you can say “n*gga” over there, you can say “n*gga” in a chair, you can say “n*gga” anywhere.
Hispanic/Latino Audience: Ayudame, mi gente.
No, No, and No. If you are not of African descent, for example Haitian or Dominican, don’t use it.
Look, we’re cool, and have a lot in common, except for slavery. Don’t take it personal, we didn’t ask for that.
Other People of color: Just don’t say “N*gga.” No means no.
Don’t bother reading between the lines, this will be direct.
“N*gga” is reserved for use by black people. Not black passing people, not wanna be black people, not “I date black people” people.
Why is it that the word is so appealing? Is it because it’s in all the rap songs? Or does the attraction lie in the word for the simple fact that you shouldn’t say it? Maybe it seems hypocritical, Black people can say it, but no one else can.
Well Becky, maybe if you would’ve taken the boat ride over here with us or perhaps had been at the receiving end of the firehoses, you too could say the n-word.
Fair warning, it’s not as big of a privilege as it might seem.
Everybody wants to be a n*gga until it’s time to be a n*gga. It’s all good music and seasoned food from the outside, but peep this through the looking glass; to be a N*gga is to know you are more than just a “N*gga,” but being seen as one anyway. To know that our melanin is gold, yet to be treated as worthless. Understanding that the blood in our veins is the same as the kings and queens that came before us, but seeing it spill in the streets. The “N*gga” pass is the experience of how to mourn and celebrate all in one day, and to be kicked down with no other option than to get back up.
Maybe one day the controversy will pass, but maybe not. The way I see it, until we get our 40 acres and a mule, there will be no negotiation over the word “N*gga.”
Until Miss Daisy is driving me, don’t even think about it. Matter of fact, get us Obama back and everybody can say it three times on Tuesdays.