Homecoming season is upon us. It is the time of year everyone waits for. Some could argue that homecoming takes priority over studying or going to class for the week. Whatever side of the fence you fall on is none of my business. However, truth be told, homecoming is actually the ultimate test of discipline, budgeting and time management.
For the first-year freshmen, these experiences will stay with you for life. But remember: these experiences will stay with you. For life. Homecoming has the ability to reveal the alter ego of a classmate near you. If you have not learned already, you are not in high school anymore. Nobody will be instructing you on how to act. With that in mind, here are some do’s and dont’s you should follow for a productive week:
DO PARTICIPATE. A full week of activities have been planned to make sure you are not in your room. This is a great opportunity to meet new faces and create new friendships. It is also your chance to actually get to walk around campus instead of being in that rut of only going to class and the Cafeteria. Get this: some teachers may even push back deadlines. It may be 11:59pm instead of 11:55pm, but hey, progress.
DON’T BE THAT PERSON. You know exactly the person I’m talking about. No one knows their name, major, age, what school they go to, etc. But boy, did that person cut up Monday night or what? Before you know it, that person is being talked about and judged by everybody on campus, all because they were trying to be, you guessed it, that person.
DO HAVE A BUDGET FOR THE WEEK. True, budgeting can be difficult for someone who already has no money. However, for the fortunate few, realize that vendors will be everywhere trying to make their money. The key is to have a hard cap, and stay true to it. College still exists after October 7.
DON’T USE YOUR REFUND CHECK AS YOUR BUDGET. Your refund check was given to you, not gifted to you. You will have to pay that money back, potentially with interest. Think about that before considering dropping $500 on an outfit you only wear once.
DO ENJOY THE FREE FOOD. If you have to go to the grocery store at any point during homecoming week, you are doing it wrong, my friend. At the most, you should head to the Family Dollar to pick up some extra foil. Southern is a family. Families share food. Use the networks you have made, head over to the tailgates and enjoy the free cooked food.
DON’T INDULGE IN CANDY. It is October, and we do live in Baton Rouge. Please limit the number of Laffy Taffys and Tootsie Pops you eat. You can catch cavities. If you must consume, at least have some floss nearby. You could also go without that extra Sour Punch Straw or Baby Bottle Pop.
So, in conclusion, be lit, responsibly.