Self-love is a noun defined as a regard of one’s well-being and happiness. When people think of love, they often think of loving someone else, but what they don’t know is with loving somebody comes loving yourself first.
I personally feel you cannot love anyone until you love everything about yourself inside and out because if you don’t love yourself unconditionally you can’t love someone else unconditionally.
With loving you, you carry yourself differently and you have more self respect. For example, you’re not going to be half naked on social media, being portrayed as a sex symbol, or opposed to a woman because you realize that you’re worth way more than that. Self-love is reflective and hard to come by nowadays.
We fall in and out of love with ourselves at times because of the things that might have happened to us in our pasts. When as as women don’t love ourselves, we seek love in other things. We tend to place our emotions in jeopardy because another human being or a material thing is not capable of loving us enough to fill in the void that we’ve created. I have personally seen people who would seek love through money.
They drive the people that they care about away due to their love for money and thinking material things can make them happy while being disgusted with themselves.
It took me a long time to love myself due to past experiences. I wake up every day and reassure myself that I am more than loved by myself. I look in the mirror and say, “I am worth it! I am beautiful! I can be me! I will not be what I was in the past!” Those saying are the things that keep me going every single day. Those words are the only words that keep me motivated because I know what I want out of life and I love myself enough to empower myself. I also go by the “Three G’s” get up, get out and get everything that I want, need, deserve and more.
If you struggle with the problem of not knowing how to love yourself, it is ok. You have to take things one step at a time. Take the time to sit down and figure out who you are.
I recently attended an event on campus called “A Seat at the Table” and the guest speaker shared some really good tips with the women who were there. This helped me out a lot so I’m going to share this with everyone who is reading this. If figuring out who you are is even hard to figure out for whatever reason take whatever negative thing that has ever been thrown at you and flip it into uplifting words.
When you turn these words into uplifting words repeat them every day to yourself, like you actually mean it and you’ll begin to see a change.
Loving yourself is a beautiful thing and always remember nothing and no one will ever love you like you love yourself!