Valentine’s Day seems to come faster and faster each year. For people, this commercial bombardment of chocolate, teddy bears, and expensive jewelry is a wonderful, joy filled holiday.
For them, it means boxes of chocolate, roses by the dozen, expensive dinners; the list goes on and on. But for most people who are not in a monogamous relationship, or any relationship, for that matter, this holiday is unwelcomed, overrated, and yes, lonely. Some of these very people would probably prefer to celebrate Singles Awareness Day.
Singles Awareness Day is a humorous holiday that provides single people with an alternative to all of the overrated Valentine’s Day festivities. I do believe this holiday should be a blessing for some people and a burden for others. Who’s to say that you are required to be in a relationship to celebrate this popular commercial holiday? I think we should use Valentine’s Day as a reminder that we don’t have to have a significant other to show love to ourselves and our loved ones. So here’s some food for thought.
First, try to spend time with your loved ones. Family is your first source of love so it only seems fit to show them some love on Valentine’s Day. Your family, unlike some significant others, don’t care about your physical appearance or what material possessions you have to give them. Sometimes your presence is enough to make your family happy. Get your mom some roses. Buy your dad a card. Go see your grandparents. Get your sibling a teddy bear. Something this small and selfless can make a big difference in your life and theirs.
Second, I think all single people should take this opportunity to enjoy being alone. I mean this in a positive and not a negative way. Relationships have all kind of problems and stresses that come with them. Plenty of couples can attest to this. Being alone can have its benefits. Spending time alone will make you feel recharged, get in touch with your emotions, and even gain productivity. By getting used to being alone, you can get in tune with your true self. Also, it serves true that one must enjoy their own company before gaining someone else’s.
Lastly and most importantly, if you are alone on Valentine’s Day you should “treat yo self.” Don’t sit in your room taking a pint of ice-cream to the head. Try to go out and have fun by yourself or with a group of close friends. You can go to the movies, shopping, or pick up a new book. Do whatever makes you happy. At the end of the day, being mean and salty on Valentine’s Day only hurts one person and that’s you. Make the best out of what seems to be an unfortunate situation.
Another tip on Valentine’s Day is try to stay positive about the situation. Be happy for others who have someone to spend this special day with. After all, positive vibes attract other positive vibes.