Everyday that I walk on campus I see trash from the night before or people throwing it out their cars. There are numerous ways to complain about the amount of trash and garbage on the ground, but initially we go after the wrong people. It is not housing that throws the trash on the ground, punch the holes in the walls, scratch up the floors, or break up security systems that are meant for our safety. It is us the students of Southern University.
Now, every single year the Housing Department spend more money on renovating and cleaning the dormitory than you can imagine. There are so many renovations that they plan to do in the future, but they don’t want to initially because we as the students don’t understand the worth or value of a dollar. We don’t understand the amount of money it requires to fix and get brand new things.
The renovations in housing is good, and considering that they have minimal staff members, the service is okay. But the one thing that need to be fixed are the pipes. There is no way in the world should a pipe be so clogged to the point that water is leaking to the floor beneath you. You know if we could just stop washing our hair in the sink without a drain and pouring the ramen noodle water into the sink, we would be alright. Every time I see someone try to pour the noodle water into the sink I just want to scream at the top of my lungs. “ITS NOT A FOOD DISPOSAL.” Noodles do not magically dissolve in the pipes and neither does tampons. I mean come on, don’t flush a tampon down the toilet, it says so on the box.
Honestly the renovations are exciting to me because when I first came, the campus looked ancient. The halls were dirty, food and drinks were common in the elevator. Point is, we could only call maintenance so many times in a day. But, overall the new renovations of the department will hopefully bring more students to the idea of living on campus.