Okay, let’s talk about it. On February 23, 2017 DisneyXD aired an episode of Star vs. the Forces of Evil titled “Just Friends”.
While the show usually focuses on the main character, Star Butterfly, battling evil space villains and the complicated journey of high school, this episode included numerous same-sex kisses. While same-sex kisses were intertwined into the scenes with various other kisses, they became the topic of discussion.
Somehow, people believe that showing a same-sex kiss to their children will automatically turn their kids gay. I’ve read plenty of articles fixated on this issue so let’s address some of the things they have in common.
One person anonymously commented on a post about the show and said, “The fact that most gay people are instilling ‘gayness’ in others’ children is the point. Let that child decide for his/herself if they choose to be gay. And not put it in their face, kids shouldn’t be kissing.” First of all, I do not believe that anyone can force anyone to be gay. I think that being attracted to the same sex is something that a person will either feel or not feel, no matter what the media or anyone else has to say. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the media displaying those kinds of actions as they exist in the real world.
Another thing people were saying was that Disney doesn’t have the right to subject their kids to homosexuality. I will never understand why people feel like the media is responsible for raising their kids. The media has no obligation to keep your kids close minded. Homosexuals exist in the world; they are not some rare species. They are human just like everyone else.
I talked to about 5 random people on campus, and I asked them about the episode. The answers from 4 of them actually surprised me; they agreed with those saying that Disney should take the episode off air. It seems to me that people have the idea in their mind that being gay is wrong. But let’s think, if being gay is a sin, what makes that sin bigger than the ones people commit every day?
There are far more important things that people should worry about other than a simple sign of affection. All Disney is doing is showing how normal a same-sex relationship is.
The fact that people are still fighting to be treated fairly and to be accepted is the main reason why I support Disney in their decision to show the kiss. Oh, and lastly, I neglected to mention that the kissing scene lasted for all of 2 seconds.