Would you like to enhance your radio skills either on or behind the scenes?
The Mass Comm-unications Department is providing the opportunity to all students, regardless of major, to apply to work at their online radio station called “The Bluff.”
Some of the positions available include station manager, program director, disc jockey, news reporter and sports reporter.
The Bluff will only be accessible on Southern’s campus. Students interested in applying should pick up an application in W.W. Stewart Hall, room 135.
For more information about The Bluff, stop by the weekly meetings Thursdays at 3 p.m. in Room 154 Stewart Hall or visit the website at http://www.subr.edu/thebluff.
The Carter G. Woodson Historical Society, also known as the Black History Club, will have its first organizational meeting Wednesday, Sept. 9 in Room 119 Higgins Hall at 4 p.m. The organization is open to all majors and freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors are strongly encouraged to attend. Office seats are available, join to vote or be elected. For more information call 337.990.2534.
SU’s Division of Continuing Education and College of Business will sponsor insurance licensing courses on the Baton Rouge campus. The courses, which are open to anyone interested in becoming a licensed insurance agent, will include continuing learning classes for those who are already licensed.
Registration is ongoing for the classes. The starting date for the class will be determined at the end of registration. For more information about the courses or registration, call 225.771.2613.
Registration for men and women intramural flag football league play begins on Monday, Sept. 14.
Intramural aerobics is offered each Monday and Thursday in the Moore Auditorium. Class begins at 7 p.m. Aerobics is free to all SU students, faculty and staff.
The JNO G. Lewis Jr. Lodge No. 261 will hold a blood drive Tuesday, Sept. 15 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Lakefront Room of the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. All donors must provide ID and are reminded to eat a good meal prior to donating.
The Lacumba Players, SU’s official student drama organization, will meet Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 13 of Frank Hayden Hall (Dramatics and Fine Arts Building). All students are welcome to attend. For more information, see Dr. Aileen Hendricks, in Room 10 of Hayden Hall or call 225.771.3190.
The Smith-Brown Memorial Union’s Recreation Area will hold a spades tournament Sept. 23 from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Registration is underway until Sept. 21. The registration is for teams only, with a $4 registration fee.
Southern University’s Presidential Search Committee, charged with conducting a search for the university’s next system president, will hold several open meetings over the next few weeks/months to receive input from the campus communities.
The second meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room, located on the second floor of the J.S. Clark Administration Building on the SUBR campus. The open forum will allow allow SUBR, SULC and SUAREC administrators, faculty, staff, students and/or alumni as well as interested members of the Baton Rouge community an opportunity to voice concerns and/or offer the committee comments, suggestions and recommendations relating to the presidential search.
Speakers will be allowed three to five minutes, with maximum time allocated depending on the number of persons who want to address the body prior to the meeting. Persons desiring to speak should send an e-mail to [email protected] with “SU Presidential Search Open Forum at SUBR” as the subject line for identification purposes.
Student applications for the 2009 Honda Campus All-Star Challenge’s cam-pus competition are being accepted now until Monday, Sept. 28 at 5 p.m. The campus tournament will be held Wednesday, Sept. 30 at the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. Participants in the campus competition are eligible to be selected to represent SU in the 2010 Honda Campus All-Star Challenge National Championship Tournament. For more information, contact the Honors College at 771.4845 or go to www.hcasc.com.
The Department of Psychology is sponsoring the 11th Annual Social and Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference Friday, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. Students in the departments of criminal justice, economics, history, political science, psychology, rehabilitation and disability studies, sociology social work and speech pathology are encouraged to submit abstracts.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, Oct. 9. For more information, contact Dr. Reginald Rackley at 225.771.2990 or e-mail [email protected].