Tip-off times changed for SU-AAMU Monday
The Southern University Athletic Department has changed the game times for Monday’s men’s and women’s basketball games against Alabama A&M.
Tip-off times for both games are being shifted in observance of the state’s Mardi Gras holiday. The women will begin play at 2 p.m., followed by the men’s game at 4 p.m.
Saturday’s games against Alabama State will also be played at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., but those times were originally scheduled.
SBMU to hold food drive
The Smith-Brown Memorial Union and the Division of Student Affairs are holding a food drive during the month of February. Each organization has provided barrels located throughout the first floor of the Union, to encourage multiple donations in various locations.
The barrels are reserved for nonperishable food items and canned goods that will be donated to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank. All collected food will serve those in need. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to donate during the month-long event, and for those needing more information, please contact Juanita Davis at 225.771.2608.
Latin America Garners Awareness
On Thursday, February 26, Southern University will hold its eighth Annual Ethnic Awareness Day. This year’s region will be Latin America.
The program will be held in Pinkie Thrift Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Highlighted topics include Latin America’s various cultures, music, art, dance and food, and is open to all students.
Yasin to speak at SU
The third installment of the Chancellor Kofi Lomotey’s Chancellor Lecture Series is slated for Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Cotillion Ballroom of the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. The event is free and open to public.
According to Lomotey, “Dr. Jon Yasin is a nationally respected scholar who has conducted major research into the origin and evolution of hip-hop and rap and the incredible influence it has had on the African-American community over the last 20 years. His perspective and insight will no doubt spark a thoughtful discussion on this often controversial style of music.”
Members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and the Creative Arts Society will host the event.
Leon McManus, a senior visual arts major from Baker, along with other students will provide music and poetry for the artistic expression.
“I’m very excited that the art department will be able to showcase our work. Since we don’t have any student art shows, it’s hard for us to get exposure on the campus.”
New Briefs for Feb. 20
February 20, 2009
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