When the day is over and classes have been dismissed, waiting for a bus, friend or walking to their dorm can be a daunting task for students if their path home is not lighted.
Phillip Robinson, a junior senator from Baton Rouge and president pro tempore, noticed the differences in lighting. Two weeks ago, Robinson decided something should be done.
Junior Class President Craig Burrell was one of the students not pleased with the dark areas since he resides on campus.
“I feel like its very unsafe, and being that we attend a higher institution, the lights should be up and running. I also feel that it is sad that the lights are finally getting fixed.”
Burrell also felt that Robinson was a good person to start and finish the relighting of the lights on campus.
“I originally had a plan, and I thought it was time to fix the lights,” said Robinson.
With this plan in mind, Robinson took matters into his own hands and got the lights fixed for the students.
“The security on our campus should be acceptable, and the administration agreed, even though we have budget cuts, campus security should be one of our main focuses, and Julie Wessinger, vice chancellor of student affairs, agreed as well.”
Buildings such as T.T. Allain and spots along Elton C. Harrison Street—”The Strip”—were cited by students as being most problematic with visibility.
“He is a good person, a good student, and he has a big voice. I believe that he is also fair and its good that he stepped up to the plate,” said Burrell.
Robinson set out time to go on campus one night and looked at the different lights that were out and some areas that needed lighting.
He then met with the of Department of Building and Grounds, Director Eli Guillory, Richard Troullier and Cornell Veal to discuss the matters with the lights.
The department felt as if Robinson should have maps of the campus and mark the areas where lights are needed and need to be fixed.
The lights on The Strip and the tower light, across from the Southern University Law Center in the back of campus by the bridge are up and running; there are still some lights that are in the process of being repaired; such as T.T.Allain’s parking lot and in the back of Higgins Hall.
“It feels good to see a problem get solved from a student’s voice,” said Robinson.