Ever since I began writing this editorial/column of sorts, (which has yet to receive a real name other than the titles themselves) people who have recognized my face from the paper have come up to me-in stores, class, games, and once in the restroom-with topics.
Many of these ‘ideas’ are things I’d never allow my mother to read. Usually, when a friend, relative or perfect stranger is relaying their thoughts to me, I just listen intently, nod in all the right places, and smile. It’s all I can do.
On the other hand, some of the ideas that I receive are pretty interesting, one of which I felt that I had to write about.
At the now infamous Homecoming game held Saturday, several of my friends and I, the football conscientious women that we are, were discussing the week’s events. Like many, the usual spirit of excitement seemed to burn with a slight fire this year, rather than the usual frenzy of support and love for our team and school.
Maybe it was the fact that we never led in scoring during the game, or that we were squished together in the stands, or the threat of rain to many fresh ‘dos that took away from the all out cheering or, honestly, even caring about Homecoming itself that made the game slightly lackluster. It appeared as though there were several unexplained lulls in the game. Where the field play simply didn’t register to us anymore. During such a lull, a friend called out to me and said, “Maybe you should write about the fact that nobody seems to care about the game anymore, and that Homecoming actually sucked this year.”
At the time, I laughed her off, but she continued, “Think about it. We only had two comedians, and the concert was kinda ghetto.”
Now, I can neither confirm nor deny that I agree with her; However, but while attending the aforementioned events, I can say that there was a tension among the crowd that was less than friendly. Several times during the Greek Show, the emcee repeatedly commented on the less than lively attitude of the mixed alumni and public crowd, as he reminisced on and on about his days on the Yard, and how genuinely excited they used to be during Homecoming week. Even after asking if he was at Alcorn or Jackson State’s Homecoming, the crowd did little more than clap. It was akin to the scene where Randy Jackson walks off the state after screaming, “Sexual Chocolate!”
It makes me wonder if the students who attend Southern are really that callous to disregard the hard work that Homecoming takes, and how hard the Student Government works on programming. And not only SGA, but the performers themselves; the comedians, recording artists and organizations that take time out to help us feel more at home.
Many of us take Homecoming week for granted, with the sad assumption that it’s our due to have ‘off the chain’ everything. If that’s the case, the less than excited atmosphere, rude, jeering comments at events, and lack of support were the real reasons that ‘Homecoming kinda sucked this year.’
Friday, I spoke on how I’d rather past and present Southern University students and alum keep the joys of Homecoming to ourselves, but if we’re acting like spoiled brats about it, what’s the use?
Maybe it was OUR fault
October 8, 2007