To Southern University’s administrative, faculty, staff and students: let’s make the Southern DIGEST better next semester.
During my one-half semester as editor-in-chief, I have learned so much about running a newspaper from gathering story ideas to laying out those stories. Can I say, I learned what I learned the hard way, which was by doing it. How else would I have learned other than getting my hands dirty?
Thank God for Derick Hackett, the director of student media! His guidance, patience and experience have made the journey enjoyable.
I know now some things that I want to do differently next semester in order for the process to run like a smooth oiled machine. Of course if anyone has any ideas, I’m open.
Speaking of ideas, what do you, the SU family, want to read about? I desire to hear from every sector of the university whether you are running the university or helping to keep the university beautiful and clean. We all have different likes and dislikes; therefore, we need variety.
I want the DIGEST to be on top of breaking news. I want the DIGEST to spotlight those worthy of recognition. I want a credible paper that is well written. I want a must-read paper. These are some of my wants and desires, but I need ears and eyes out there on campus and in the community to aid me in bringing these wants and desires to fruition.
So to the students, please come and join us. We are looking for students from every major and walk of life. You may be that spice we are looking for. You may want to affect change. Do it by being on staff. Not to mention, it will look good on your resume.
To those sponsoring various functions and events, I would like to make them known, so I ask that the news briefs and news releases are sent to us as promptly as possible. These announcements are placed in the briefs section of the paper, which is page two.
In addition to the announcement running in the briefs section, I will also do my best in making sure a reporter and a photographer are assigned to the event; however, please understand, it is not humanly possible to cover everything. So, if all else fails, remember let’s at least get the announcement in the paper in order to keep the student body informed.
I can be reached anytime at [email protected], so by all means, don’t be afraid to share your likes, dislikes, your suggestions and recommendations.
Let’s do it again next semester, but better
November 27, 2007
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