Valentine’s Day is fast approaching so I felt it was time to pay homage to couples-fictional and real-who we have all wished to be.
The five couples I have chosen each represent a characteristic I think should be present in all relationships.
The first characteristic is having a common interest.
Of course the top spot goes to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Despite the whole Brad leaving Jennifer thing, their relationship is one I admire. They’re on a mission to adopt every race on the planet including having a baby of their own. When the couple did have a baby together, Shiloh, she was born in Africa.
I guess I like “Branangelia” because of the bond the two of them seem to share. Both are active in human rights issues and are not the typical celebrity. Unlike Jennifer Aniston, who spends her time on the beach, in the malls, at award shows and on Oprah’s couch crying, Angelina connected with Brad’s love of planes, motorcycles, traveling, children and saving the world.
The second characteristic is loyalty and forgiveness. Who better to illustrate this than the powerhouse coupling of Bill and Hilary Clinton?
I’m not sure what I would do if my husband were to ever cheat on me. We say we’d leave, but when it happens to you, could you really? Could you throw away years of marriage and lose your best friend because of a mistake?
I don’t know. I don’t ever want to know. Being with someone who understands your flaws and at the end of the day still loves and wants to be with you is a quality I most admire.
Next on my list are Prince William and Kate Middleton. I have no real logic for this couple other than the fact that he will be the KING OF THE UNITED KINGDOM! You don’t need anything else.
Okay, this couple is special because this is the first time since Anne Boleyn (Henry VIII’s second wife) that a prince has dated a commoner.
The fourth characteristic is friendship.
Everybody has seen the show “Good Times.” If you live on campus I know you have because SU 75 played the episode where J. J. painted Black Jesus.
James and Florida Evans were more than just a married couple. They were friends. When the rent was due and Florida needed an operation, James always came through.
Florida never threw James’ fourth grade education in his face during an argument; instead, she encouraged him to take night classes.
Lastly, we come to Will and Jada Smith.
It’s not the 1950’s anymore. Women are working out side of the home.
Following your dreams, being rejected by those dreams is not always an easy task. Life is a little better when there is someone to wipe the tears from your eyes.
Not every album Will has dropped has been a hit. Not every movie Jada has starred in has been a blockbuster.
But when you look on the red carpet, they’re there for one another. No questions asked.
Love is more than the things I listed. These couples might not be together by the time this is published. But hey, it’s Hollywood.
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody.