Finding your love, whether it’s in a person or an interest, you tend to view life at a different perspective. Things that ‘use’ to vex you, can’t. Things that were a major hinderance for you, are now a minor setback. Things you thought were lost, are now gained.
Most people who have found their love can relate to what I’m about to say.
As for me, finding my love is through writing. Writing shows my passion for words, its expresses my past, present and future. It starts off as one word, then to a sentence and before I knew it I have written chapter one of my life story.
I discovered my love for writing in August of 2006. We were introduced by emotions, from that date, we became inseparable.
I recall one instance, being angry with a person because what they had done offended me. There was revenge on my heart to deal with that person any way I knew how.
Before writing, I would react without any thought to analyzing the situation. I no longer yelled , “You, stupid (you know what)” or “Don’t call me ever again!” All anger and anxiety that was building inside of me turned into composure and stillness. At that moment, a new vision of life was introduced to me, his name was Writing.
Writing and I became one. I would begin a sentence and before I could finish it was already written on my heart. Writing has left me messages that confirmed everything I was going through. He taught me how to solve life issues by writing. This is what he wrote to me,
“His actions led me to believe that he was only in my life to prepare me for my Words. I realized that everything I have gone through, help me to find you (words).
Taking words from my soul only leaves me speechless to write and tell the stories I lived by my words…”
I found myself exhaling when writing, writing no longer was a hobby, or just something to do, and it became apart of my life. Everything I could not say or neglected to mention was expressed through words.
I love writing and it loves me back!
Writing was my soul mate, and I became his. Every hidden word that was locked away in me, he found the words to say. I saw my stories, my passion, my everything through writing. It was like looking in the mirror, seeing myself through the words I wrote and seeing him living it.
I have written so much about Words…All I can say is what s living life without loving him (words).