It is rare at this institution of higher learning that things are handled professionally and with an air of organized grace.
That having been said, we’d like to take the time to recognize the valiant efforts of Lawrence LaBee, Student Government Association elections commissioner, and his staff for their service to the student body on yesterday.
When an unexpected power outage threatened the circumstances surrounding the all-important student elections on Monday, LaBee switched into high gear and made the necessary decisions and moves to guarantee SGA candidates for office, voters and university faculty and administration that the election would still continue and remain honest and organized.
When candidates stormed into the Cotillion Ballroom, LaBee called an impromptu meeting with himself and the candidates to explain the situation at hand and convince them he and his staff were doing everything in their power to ensure a weeks worth of campaigning efforts would not be all in vain.
As many scrambled to determine what would be done once voting machine batteries died, LaBee remained focused, dedicating his time to securing generators that would keep the polls open until closing.
Given the debacle that transpired during last year’s elections, and the unorganized chaotic mess last year’s Elections Commissioner failed to smooth over, we feel it’s time we applaud an individual for actually “reading the manual,” knowing his job and doing it well.
As usual, it seems like student elections opens the door to mass chaos and unexpected events that cause many to question the election’s accuracy and ignite rumors of mass conspiracies. In the wake of yesterday’s electrical catastrophe, we feel LaBee and his staff faired the fallout well and deserve to be recognized for it.
If only our own administration and staff could take a page from them when it comes to dealing with unexpected problems. If only our administration and staff could exhibit the professionalism the Elections Commission exhibited on yesterday, then maybe this university could finally move forward in its quest for greatness.
As student leaders ourselves, we at the DIGEST know when things don’t go as the students plan, fingers are pointed and blame is showered on the persons in power who make the decisions that matter. We also understand it is during those times when our true characters are tested and the strong will thrive while the weak crumble. A true leader doesn’t run or become ignorant in the time of turmoil, he or she rises to the occasion and takes the reigns to restore order.
Whether or not he knew what he was doing, or if he was about to crack under pressure, LaBee became that leader who calmed the masses and returned order. For that we salute him and his staff for a job well done. Let their actions on yesterday be a model for the professionalism, compassion and quick decision-making abilities it takes to become what this university needs…better leaders!