We all have that uncle or aunt who likes to drink at the family reunion. Then there is that cousin who is “touched” and your mom tells you not to stare. Living in the south, everyone is exposed to the eccentrics that make for great stories in our golden years.
But lately in Hollywood Land, the lines between eccentric and mental problems have become blurred.
Has Anna Nicole Smith been buried yet?
How many times in a week is Britney Spears going to rehab?
Why is Lindsay Lohan in AA when she’s only twenty?
I love celebrity gossip. I cannot tell you how many hours I’ve spent in front of the television watching E! News, The Daily 10, Inside Edition and reading magazines like National Enquirer and Star Magazine.
Yes, I laughed when I learned Kevin Federline found out about his divorce from Britney via a text on his Blackberry. I even went to TMZ.com to view the video of his reaction. After the break-up, Britney let her hair down and partied with Paris Hilton, celebrating her independence from her no account, no talent having husband who’s only claim to fame is being fertile.
Then things started to get real crazy real fast. First, Britney decides she doesn’t want to wear panties anymore. She’s a grown woman and if she feels comfortable with a cool breeze, sure. But I guess Britney forgot she’s in a custody battle with Kevin vand the judge won’t be in such a rush to give a woman who is constantly being photographed panty-less, bald, in and out of rehab and “napping” at clubs full custody of two small children.
Even in death Anna Nicole Smith is still making headlines. At this point, I could randomly pick a name from a phone book and say he’s the father of Anna’s baby and probably win the case. A lesson to all, write a will and if you happen to die, please leave some kind of message telling people who killed you.
And finally we have Lindsay “fire crotch” Lohan. Her mother is to blame. What type of parent lets their daughter run wild? Yes, Lindsay is making the money and yes, Lindsay’s mom probably wants to be young again, but why would you let your cash cow get ruined?
If I had a child who was making me millions, believe me, I would be making sure she was in the best of health 24/7.
It was funny in the beginning, real funny. Now I can’t even laugh. No matter what their showbiz personalities are, they are still human and this isn’t the family reunion anymore. It’s time to stop making jokes and come to the realization that a life of drugs and alcohol will only lead to death.
So the next time you see a tabloid with Britney or Lindsay on the cover, pass it. Would you want your personal issues plastered on the cover of EGO?