Southern University students were recently exposed to the importance of credit, investing and real estate decisions by a university couple married to the idea of more financial responsible young people.
SU professors Darryl and Latricia Scriven hosted their third and final financial seminar for students on Thursday, Feb. 22 in the ballroom of the Smith-Brown Memorial Union.
“Being a student of a higher learning institute, students should learn how to invest and budget their funds,” said Darryl Scriven, a professor in the university’s English department. “(Students) are at a point in their life where everything they do now will affect their future and financial status later.”
During the seminar, the couple shared their experiences on the components it takes for attendees to be their own boss while still enrolled in school.
“Four years ago I was watching Carlton Sheets on the television and there was advertisement for the 30 day challenge in the real estate business,” Scriven said. “I called and took the challenge.”
“We took the challenge just as any other student, staff, parent or upcoming entrepreneur would because we wanted to learn how to be financial stable,” he said.
While Scriven recapped on his endeavoring business career, his wife, a professor in the university’s education department, shared her words of encouragement for young women considering a career in real estate.
“In the real estate business, it is a sharp-edge business for a female as oppose to a male,” she said. “The reason being because it’s prominently a male business industry.”
“Consumers (favor) a male figure than a woman,” she said.
Latricia Scriven said recent surveys show that women are now coming up in the real-estate business and taking over the roles usually held by male realtors.
The couple concluded the financial seminar by encouraging potential businesswomen and men to continue their future business ventures and become familiarized with the current business reports across the world.