Derick Hackett
2006-07 DIGEST Publication Schedule - Click to view
The Southern DIGEST
Advertising Department
P.O. Box 10180
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Advertising Contract & Rates Effective November 1, 1999
STEPHANIE CAIN AT (225) 771-2230
The Southern DIGEST is the official student newspaper of Southern University – Baton Rouge. The tabloid style publication publishes 22 issues in the fall semester and 22 issues in the spring semester. With a run count of 8,000 per issue, the DIGEST services a student body of over 9,500 students and over 1,500 faculty and staff. The publication is a bi-weekly (twice weekly) publication that is issued free on Tuesday’s and Friday’s on the Baton Rouge campus.
GENERAL PROVISIONS: This newspaper may revise or reject any copy or illustration that does not meet its standards of acceptance. Ads more than 13 inches in depth will be billed at full-page length of 17 inches. When an advertisement contains an error which is not the fault of the advertiser, the liability of The Southern DIGEST shall not exceed supplying a correction letter and a correct insertion for the space occupied by the incorrect item, not the entire advertisement. No responsibility is assumed for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. A correction will be published in a subsequent issue providing the advertiser reports the error or omission less than two days after it occurs. If copy is accepted after the final deadline, no proof is to be shown to the advertiser, and no allowance will be made to the advertiser in the event of error if the advertisement is set according to layout and copy.
Dates published: Weekly
Paper Size: 5 columns by 17 inches (Tabloid = 11×17)
Issues published: 22 Fall Semester, 22 Spring Semester. (No Summer Issues are scheduled to date.)
Run Count: 8,000 copies per issue Fall & Spring.
Readership: 9,500 students, 1,500 faculty & staff, Baton Rouge community, over 100 local & national alumni chapters.
Pages: 12, 16, 20, or 24 pages per issue. 12 to 16 pages is standard issue size – 20 and 24 for special issues.
National Rate: $9.00 per column inch ($10.00 for back page)
Local Rate: $6.50 per column inch ($7.50 for back page)
SU Student Rate: $4.00 per column inch ($5.00 for back page)
AGENCY: No commission on camera ready or color charge. All agencies are subject to national rates. The last regular ad will be repeated if new copy/art is not received by deadline. Materials not received by deadline are not entitled to approval or revision. These contract rates are not subject to agency commission.
NATIONAL RATES: Apply to all advertising service agencies; political advertising and all companies with physical head-quarters not located within the state of Louisiana and all company headquartered that are not located within 30 miles of the SU campus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
LOCAL RATES: Apply to individual places of business that originate and headquartered within the state of Louisiana and to individual company branches within 30 miles of Baton Rouge.
STUDENT & CAMPUS RATES: Apply to current registered SU students who do not represent any national company or agency. These rates also apply to any SU registered student organizations (listed with the SU Office of Student Programs) and the different academic offices of SUS, SUBR, SUSLA, SUNO, SU Ag Center, SU Department of Athletics & SULC.)
POLITICAL: Contract rates are not subject to agency commission. It is the policy of The Southern DIGEST that political advertising will be billed at the papers national advertising rate. All political advertising will be paid in advance and under no circumstances will a purchaser of such advertising receive any special discount or contract rate but is subject to normal frequency discount rates. Political advertising includes all proposed paid advertisements: (1) urging the election or defeat of any candidate or public office: (2) urging the passage or defeat of any measure requiring a popular vote; or (3) urging the adoption of any course of action by any national, state, or local governmental body or agency.
DEADLINE: Actual ad must be in office 7 days prior to publication. Payment is due at least 5 days prior to publication unless approved by The Southern DIGEST agent.
PAGINATION: When artwork or copy has to be created by The Southern DIGEST, a 10% pagination charge is applied.
INSERTIONS: Must be preprinted and delivered 5 days before insertions. $100 per 1,000 insertions.
SPOT COLOR ADVERTISING: $100 plus size cost per ad for 4-color process. $25 per additional spot color to a b/w ad.
FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS: First run of ad must pay full price. Second run receives 10% discount. Third and successive runs receive a 15% discount. Ad must run in consecutive issues to receive frequency discounts. Frequency discounts do not apply to classified ads.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: (Student Rate) $1 per line per issue, a line consists of 22 characters and spaces between words. (Public Rate) $2 per line per issue, a line consists of 22 characters and spaces between words. No frequency discounts apply to classified
(Reversed type is not acceptable in classified. Cancellation of advertising for refund cannot be made after the deadline for space is reserved. )
PAYMENT: Company check or money order. No cash, credit cards, personal checks or COD’s accepted. Company check or money order must pay political advertising. Transient advertising and new businesses without otherwise established credit rating, are required to pay prior to publication until credit has been established. The length of the credit period would be at the discretion of the newspaper agent. An account 30 days past due will be required to clear its account and pay in advance for all new ads.
Bulk Print Ad Size & Dimensions
AD Size Inches W X L
Full Page 10.3 x 15.5
3/4 – Junior (H) 10.3 x 11.0
1/2 Page (H) 10.3 X 7.75
1/2 Page (V) 5.10 x 15.5
1/4-Quarter Block 5.10 x 7.75
1/4-Quarter (H) 10.3 x 3.87
1/4-Quarter (V) 2.50 x 15.5
1/8 Page (H) 5.10 x 3.80
1/8 Page (V) 2.50 x 7.75
Business Card(H) 5.10 x 2.50
Business Card(V) 2.50 x 5.10
(V) – Vertical
(H) – Horizontal