In my opinion — and some of you may agree — reality is nine-tenths perception and perception is nine-tenths of the law. In either case, we as humans, choose to believe what we want. We may form conclusions by collecting evidence, sincere explanations or we from listening to heinous gossip.
But if that’s how we form opinions on The Bluff, so be it. It’s when I’m not on The Bluff and being an ambassador for my university, I get perturbed because often more than not, someone has something negative to say about Southern. And you know what? I can’t blame them.
Because I blame myself.
It’s really my fault a lot about Southern is exposed. I feel dirty sometimes when I author articles intended to circulate throughout the country and the World Wide Web, especially after someone at Southern does something really stupid.
For instance, the Registrar’s Office crap. It nearly killed me when I had to write my first article about former Assistant Registrar Cleo Carroll allegedly fixing grades. And someone might as well push me into the grave next to my grandparents when I expose the alleged culprits who put up the money to fix them. Because in case you haven’t heard, Carroll is singing right about now, and if I were about to go to Leavenworth on federal charges, I’d sing too.
Yep, I’d buy that canary yellow suit, dance like Cab Calloway and “Hidey, hidey, hidey, ho” on every person that was too ham-fisted to just take an “F.”
I can’t lie, this is my final semester on this campus as an undergrad (if campus officials and God say the same). Unfortunately, all I am doing is “Repeating and Deleting,” because I was too busy writing articles to attend class.
But my advice to Carroll is this: If you are going to sing, sing the right tune. Don’t take down people just for general purpose. The prisons are overpopulated, so people aren’t going to be institutionalized right away. Separate the people you are going to rat on into three categories: The ones who allegedly paid you in cash and the ones who allegedly paid with a check. Whoever is allegedly left over was evidently broke, so they really should be spared.
Someone should also blame me for finding out what is really going on in our financial aid department. Now, I don’t know who sells financial aid appeals and I sure don’t know who is stupid enough to sell them. That’s like paying to apply for a personal loan. But I guess any money is better than no money, even if it isn’t your money.
If appeals were sold, I hope for top dollar, because whomever goes down for this one is going to need bargaining skills in prison. What you should learn is how much commissary money it takes to buy a pack of cigarettes. Just a suggestion.
And by the way, don’t think I don’t know that’s not the only thing going on in financial aid.
Now, I have to take the blame when people find out just what is going on with the Southern University System Foundation.
I hear the rumors: “So and so’s wedding was funded by the Foundation. I heard a mink was bought. I even heard a little money went a long way to help finance a luxury car.”
But of course, those could be just that — rumors. But what is not a rumor is how the bond project for the North End Zone of the football stadium is really in jeopardy.
And a note to the Board of Supervisors: Remember approximately two years ago when Curtis Lee gave that “spectacular” presentation to student leaders and campus representatives about new room and boarding on the campuses in New Orleans, Shreveport and Baton Rouge?
Those were the good old days. You were going to allow the erection of a dorm in an area susceptible to extensive damage if a Category 3 hurricane blew through that area. I argued against Lee on behalf of the students, that it wasn’t a good idea. And guess what, two years later, a force named Katrina felt the same way.
So yeah, I’m to blame when people don’t listen or when they want to do stupid things anyway and I have to write about them.
But you know what I really should be crucified for? When I don’t print what campus administration, faculty or staffs say without doing my research. As if their word is my bond. Lately a lot of folks have been lying to me about certain things. I empathize with you for wanting to preserve your secrets and deceit, but I chastise to you for insulting my intelligence and capabilities to pick out a liar.
Not saying everyone at Southern is deceitful and a liar. Some just come out and tell their story. Just ask athletic director Greg LaFleur. I appreciate the story he and his wife told, because we are all human. But before you approach LaFleur, just make sure you go through the sports information director. But it may take a while, because there is a Web site that needs updating, along with numerous media guides and 18 NCAA Division-I sports that need A LOT of attention. So you may have a wait ahead of you, before you are given permission to speak to the athletic director.
Now getting back to that reality and perception thing. Yeah, it is practically the bad things which occur and get top billing at Southern. Never the good things, right? So naturally, people are going to perceive that the reality of the matter is Southern is really a community of low-life’s in high positions who care more about a dollar than a diploma or degree (unless, of course, you’re involved with that Registrar’s Office mess).
Bottom line: If you want me to write something good, do something good. And mind you, this is not for those who live among the angels at Southern; I’m not talking to you.
But to the others: Don’t call or send press releases about the good things 10 minutes before we go to press and expect something. And on the flip side, don’t expect us to be congenial when you hide something, because it’s your dumb actions, not your words that will speak volumes in the end.
Quit messing up, I’ll quit writing up and providing that last one-tenth of perception left in your imagination. And the law won’t have to provide you with Miranda rights.
Blame me
January 31, 2006
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