It is absolutely ridiculous for Student Government Association Elections Commissioner Kerri Harris to sanction Justin McCorkle because of an article printed by the DIGEST, which he had no prior knowledge of when it would be printed. I doubt she could adequately justify that decision if her life depended on it.
Looking beyond the surface, I think there is more to this than meets the eye.
The problem is, it’s personal. Lets be real, there are some people who do not want to see McCorkle back in office, not to mention some candidates who are afraid of some healthy competition and they will stop at nothing to see that McCorkle does not win. How childish and petty.
Then again, SGA has a history of childish and petty behavior when it comes to some of its members, so this situation isn’t all that surprising. Beyond that, Harris and the other presidential candidates have the audacity to request an apology from The DIGEST for the article. April Fool’s Day has passed and that request, denied. They even asked for compensation. Wow, what an uproarious fantasy. I almost fell out of my seat as I exploded with laughter. We reported the news and like it or not, we are not under the direction of the SGA.
What is even more troubling is the fact the candidates have failed to realize that in politics the incumbent always has an advantage.
That’s the nature of the beast, deal with it. Stop crying, suck it up and leave that personal garbage across the street on the second floor. Someone should sanction Harris and the other candidates with the warning: This is politics; if you can’t play the game, give up the stick. McCorkle is right to appeal the sanction. If he accepts, he admits to guilt and since he’s not guilty he should contest the decision. Whereas Harris and the other candidates may deal with a false perception of reality over in Neverland, we deal in facts and reality in the real world, not in pettiness, B.S., or simply what we perceive to be true.
Perhaps visiting reality would provide them with a realistic perspective on what is already a nonsensical situation. It seems difficult to fathom how the candidates can be in tune with the issues surrounding the student body if they are so caught up in trying to disqualify one another.
Harris should inform them that eliminating competition does not make you a winner; it’s when you triumph over you competition that you can truly declare yourself victorious.
Winning by default, isn’t really winning at all. I wonder if Harris would agree? If I’m right though, and it is personal, of course she wouldn’t because then she would probably be in cahoots with whoever is trying get McCorkle out of the picture. I often wonder, who are these people we elect to be our leaders? Did we pick them because there were no other options or because they actually tricked some of us into believing they would do a great job representing us and our best interest while maintaining a friendly, personable, yet professional attitude?
I certainly hope it isn’t that we were tricked because if so, that would make us seem tragically gullible. Better yet, who picked Harris to be the elections commissioner and why? Some of the most unprofessional people I have ever encountered have been products of our SGA, a very sad but true scenario.
I urge all students, in this upcoming election beware of false prophets, fake dreams and unrealistic promises. Some of these people represent politics at its absolute worst. In making your decisions, play close attention to productivity, image and professionalism.
Vote for the individual that will represent your interests and not their own. Regrettably, there is no real formula for choosing the right candidate; this is the point when we must exercise our best judgment.
In doing so, bear in mind just because someone is running, does not mean they are going to do a good job, because electing an unstable SGA would truly be a travesty of justice, one that as a student body we cannot afford.
SGA should know its role
April 4, 2006
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