Let’s talk about the Student Government Association Elections-Now, I’m just asking, were those elections another example of Southern’s inability to be efficient in doing anything or was it another example of blatant stupidity on the part of the elections commissioner who probably should have stopped the elections when she first learned there was a problem? Why would you continue on with voting knowing the rosters are screwed up? From what I understand, the elections committee knew about the discrepancies since 10:00 a.m. yesterday morning. I certainly hope that isn’t true because if it is that would mean this committee is clearly plagued with ignorance. Yesterday was nothing short of a fiasco. It was like Florida all over again only without the mandatory recounts by hand.
What bothers me the most about this situation is that Russell Frazier, SGA president, I mean adviser, made the decision to throw out the votes after the elections committee decided to keep them. Then, Kerri Harris, SGA elections commissioner decided, after being pep talked to death, to have some guts and come up with her own solution which was ultimately accepted by Frazier. Now, had he not accepted it and the votes would have been thrown out, would that have shown who is really running SGA? Last I checked, it was the “Student” Government Association but that’s beyond me.
Frazier cited the problem originated from a glitch in the Technology and Network Services system when they printed the rosters. Southern never fails to amaze me, seems as though there is always a glitch in the system or some part of it. There are glitches in financial aid, glitches in collections and receivables, glitches in the comptrollers office, glitches in registration, glitches in the dorms, glitches in parking, maybe there was glitch in my head when I decided to come here, or maybe Southern should take some time to repair the glitches and just call us back when they are done. By that time, I’ll probably have graduated twice and worked halfway through dissertation. Really, what is it going to take to get some efficiency around here?
Luckily, there was some resolve and the votes were kept because I would think it was already hard enough to get some of the lazy apathetic students of this university to get up and vote once and asking them to do it a second time just seems laughable. The candidates have worked to hard to garner the support of the student body to be expected to have to go through such a tedious process.
SGA elections, what a mess!
April 11, 2006
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