From the corridors of Southern University to the Georgia courthouse, Linda Walker’s message to the students of Southern was that it is not where you are from, but where you are going in life when she spoke Wednesday in the Cotillion Ballroom as part of the Southern University Motivational Speaker Series.
“Your HBCUs, your Southern Universities, they take your ordinary, your average, your regular student, like me. They take these students and they mold them and shape them. In other words they take coal and turn them into diamonds,” Walker said comparing Historically Black Universities to Ivy League schools.
The Honorable Judge Linda Walker returned to The Bluff to enlighten students of four things that will help them in their preparation during and after their college years. She professed that a mentor, internships, interview skills and setting goals are instrumental in directing the path to success. She used analogies of fellow classmates and herself demonstrating how their education at Southern help move them forward to become the successful and professional people they have become.
“I was an ordinary student, thinking I could do extraordinary things,” Walker said.
Walker earned her Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Southern University before graduating as the class vice-president at the University of Georgia School of Law. She became the first and only black female to become a federal judge in the state of Georgia when she was appointed as federal magistrate in 2000.
“She delivered a wonderful message and gave me a better insight that my education at Southern is the best,” said Kevric Lewis, a computer science major from Alexandria.
From Southern to Georgia, Walker returns
March 24, 2006
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