I would like to take a minute to welcome the new citizens of the Jaguar Nation to our illustrious community. To the entire freshman class I would not only like to welcome you but I am also offering some advice to you. It’s totally up to you if you wish to follow or avoid it.
My first piece of advice may be the most obvious to all of the on-campus students. Make sure you fill out your application for housing. Ask any of the upperclassmen living in your dorm if you don’t believe me.
Don’t give up on SU just yet. Once you receive your diploma you will realize that it was worth it.
Registration is always a hassle if it’s not done right. Running from place to place seeking out one office that sends you to a different building only to learn that you were in the right building the very first time.
Be patient. It may take you a while to get assistance on any problems that may occur. Just be persistent and never give up.
SU is a great university and offers plenty of opportunities to all that seek higher education. Although at times it may seem that things are definitely not going your way just keep your head up and keep moving on.
Your class elections are going on and it is important that when you elect an official that you are voting for someone who will represent your class with pride and dignity not because of how they look or who is the most popular.
Don’t get caught up in hanging outside of Jones and Boley halls all night. If you do you might not be here next semester to chill at those dorms.
I know football season is upon us but let’s try not to party too hard. You don’t want to be caught up into partying too much that you forget about classes.
Get involved in activities on or off campus. The more you do the more of a complete person you become.
And ladies try not to dress or act in a manner that may hurt your reputation. (On the other hand dress how you feel; I like looking.) But act civilized you are now a young lady and you should always demand respect.
Finally always represent SU to the fullest especially at the Bayou Classic.
If you follow my freshman guidelines to surviving Southern University you should have no problem coping with everyday situations that may plague you.
Who am I kidding you can follow all the guidelines you want and listen to who you choose to but always remember this when dealing with Southern or any other university: Expect the unexpected.
A little friendly advice for freshmen
September 7, 2001
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