Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of the “G” Way brought to you by me “G”.
I was thinking the other day and a few things ran across my mind. I, as a student of Southern University, do have school pride but with that pride comes a few complaints or suggestions that I think could make this school better.
Most complaints that come from students are usually about registration, cafeteria food, the SUPD, parking and various other situations. I’m not here to talk about how the complaints that I have deal with how to improve other areas of the campus.
Areas such as Jaguar Plaza better known as “The Villa” and Lake Kernan.
I think it’s a shame that as soon as visitors to our campus one of the first buildings the see is “The Villa” sitting right across from the campus. In my opinion that building is not in safe living conditions. To my knowledge “The Villa” is currently being repainted. I think the building is in need of some serious reconstructing.
Now on to Lake Kernan, I must admit that the Lake is looking better this year than in my previous years. I can remember a time when Lake Kernan looked like the Black Lagoon. The water was green in some areas and black in others. Believe me when I say it’s come a long way but how to clean the dirty water is a question that may not have an answer.
And finally this is a problem that every student at SU can help to correct and that is all this trash that is thrown around campus. Please have pride in yourselves and not litter. Especially around the dorm areas it is utterly disgusting to see all the trash that has accumulated on the ground each and every weekend. It look like we are a bunch of wild and filthy animals. Extra trash cans were placed on each floor of the dormitories to try to avoid the huge mess that piles up but it doesn’t look like anyone cares.
These are just my thoughts people. Please don’ t feel offended by what I say; it’s all love. (Like I care if anyone gets mad.)
Anyway I’m out I’ll Holla at ya’ll later!
Like I care if anyone gets mad
October 26, 2001
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