I am a veteran of the United States Navy. That’s right, almost seven years protecting and promoting democracy. It wasn’t easy, but it was a job I had to do, and I also knew I could be in a worse situation.
Since September 11, 2001, and war has been officially declared, I have heard so many people denounce the idea of trying to do something to aid the U.S. in our wartime effort.
“I wouldn’t go to war for the U.S.; they ain’t never done nothing for me!” or “I am not trying to help out, it’s not my fault.”
Maybe it is just the veteran in me, or maybe my “wannabe hard” exterior, but if I could go back in the service, I would. But what has the federal government done for me? Well, I go to school absolutely free; I receive a supplemental tax-free stipend, plus benefits that will last me a lifetime.
Enough on me, what has the federal government done for you, you ask?
Well, since that freedom of speech thing probably doesn’t ring a bell, let’s address WIC, food stamps, and welfare assistance. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that is federal assistance.
But wait! FINANCIAL AID! Now who here doesn’t receive federal aid for school? Sallie Mae isn’t run by Bank One alone. Let’s not use the slavery reparation issue, you weren’t a slave, but that is another political thing altogether.
Are there any countries that are actually better? Let’s see. I’ve been to countries in the Middle East where there are places as American as a McDonald’s or KFC, and the natives will sneer and spit when you walk in just for being an American. I’ve been a country in Africa where they threw rocks at me because they felt I was wrong for claiming to be an African American (I’ve never claimed that anyway-heck, I am just an American).
Instead of asking what your country can do for you, ask what you can do-for your country and yourself. You don’t have to join the service to help out. Give blood, make donations, keep a job to keep the economy strong, buy stocks and bonds, buy American for Pete’s sake, or send letters to our troops to keep moral up.
Besides, I vehemently believe that no Bin Laden flackie is going to come and take away what I have accomplished through hard work, money, and precious time. Not because of what the U.S. has done for me, but because of what I have done for myself.
And that’s the way I see it.
The Way I See It!
October 12, 2001
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