Southern University is taking an extra step to protect its students and staff from crime on campus.
“The installation of call boxes and surveillance cameras discourage criminal activities and harbor a safe campus environment, ” said Robert Bennett, Dean of Student Life.
“In wake of the recent armed robbery of students in Carroll Hall, the call boxes and surveillance cameras were needed on such an open campus as Southern,” said Kim Mitchell, a psychology major from Bastrop.
Avery Wilson, Student Government Association President pushed the issue of the need for call boxes to enhance the safety on campus in his 2001 election campaign.
“I am glad to see the implementation of such devices come into fruition and how expeditiously the administration acted upon it,” said Wilson.
“It is now up to the student body not to abuse and misuse the call boxes because they were placed here for our protection,” added Avery.
Currently, one call box has been installed by the LANTERN program at the footbridge on the back of campus and two cameras have been installed–one at Shade Hall and one at the Law Center.
According to Kevin Johnson, deputy administrator for the Southern University Police Department the call boxes are scheduled to be placed in five additional locations around campus. They can be found in front of the union, the west and east sides of the stadium, behind Higgins Hall, and behind Shade Hall.
“If a person has any type of emergency, the call boxes can put them in direct contact with the police station, said Johnson
“The cameras also allow us to monitor different areas on campus using zoom and infrared
features,” added Johnson.
The police department also monitors the surveillance cameras.
“This is just anther way to assist in the nationwide fight against crime. The call boxes and surveillance cameras are just another tool in public safety,” said Johnson.
October 4, 2001