The other day, a friend and I were discussing future plans. As he spoke, he made casual references to a certain goal he would like to accomplish next year. Immediately I thought, NEXT YEAR! In the aftermath of Aaliyah’s untimely death and horrific murder of thousands of innocent Americans in the terrorist, it seemed rather strange to hear anyone refer to NEXT YEAR in such a definite manner.
“What if TODAY is your NEXT YEAR,” I asked him. As we go about the monotonous routine of carrying out everyday activities, do we ever really take time to wonder how much TIME we actually have left? So many of us are blinded by the mind-manipulating forces of life’s “matrix,” and we take each precious moment for granted while we depend on a TOMORROW that is not promised to us.
The REAL reality of life is that each second that we are here, in school, at work, asleep, doing whatever it is that we do during the course of our day is merely a “grain of sand” in the hour glass. While many of us will spend this time wisely in search of life’s deeper meaning and discover a purpose for existence other than the “rat race” and “paper chase” we are taught to pursue by media deception, others will succumb to frivolity. In the blink of an eye, their life will be over and their time on Earth will have been a waste of living. You see, every second that we spend “sleeping” on this wonderful blessing called life, the clock is ticking. NOW will soon be back THEN, NEVER to be called NOW, AGAIN!
For a moment, think about those who are incarcerated in our “penal purgatory.” They represent where we might wind up: Without a sense of purpose, direction, or concept of the shortness of life.
Now think about someone who you saw for the VERY last time that is no longer living on time’s side of life. They represent a place that we all shall go to, for we all must taste of death. As you walk among the living around campus, sit in class, or just find yourself “killing time” in the student union, ask yourself how much longer does everyone within your vision have left. Then face a mirror and ask yourself that same question.
I often find myself envious of young children who I hear say that they know what they want to do when they grow up. At least they have an idea of the path they would like their lives to follow. My hope for them is that they don’t waste time “dilly-dallying” on that path. It is also my sincere desire for us, as older, mature individuals to take time to find the purpose that God has in mind for us before it is too late.
Time Factor: What if today is your next year
October 11, 2001