I think Jill Scott said it best with track number 15, “…Hawkin’, watchin’, scopin’, jockin’, scrutinizing me, checkin to see what I am doin, where I be, who I see, how and where and with whom I make my money, what is this?” It’s a H8ER!
If we didn’t pay attention to the person that’s hatin’ on us, we wouldn’t be human, and we would be lying to ourselves. The truth of the matter is that we channel too much energy into what others think about us.
Most people get drunk on h8erade because they admire something about you that they can’t have themselves. Instead of H8ING why don’t you get your own business? Or look at your own insecurities and faults and improve them. Or maybe you should just try genuinely talking with a person to see how they got where they are and try to get there yourself.
Your material possessions seem to get a H8ER drove…hey that’s why they make more than one pair of Jordan’s, or D&G shades that you admire on someone else’s face or foot.
We emulate celebrities, athletes, and people who are overall shallow. Why not find your real self, start your own trends and be an individual. And if that is too much of a task for you then adopt some ideas from people we already know and contribute those to your own style and personality.
Personally I like it when people look at me and make their smart comments or laugh at me when I pass. I must be doing something you like to get your attention. Everyday we wake up to face a day of unseen events.
The best way to deal with a H8ER is to hold your head up and be unpredictable at all times. Be selective on who you spend your time with (a good friend of mine once told me you are who you eat with), find contentment and happiness with yourself, give your audience the show they want, be confident, but don’t let anyone change who you are.
I have learned that there will always be someone somewhere to say something to bring you down. If you let everyone get in your mind then you loose your focus, your dreams, your personality, and ultimately who you are and everything that you stand for. Be content with yourself, you are the one that counts, and you and God are the only people that you have to prove anything to. Be Real.