The holiday season is rapidly approaching and we must acknowledge all for which we are thankful. Once again I, performing as a “Sentinel of an Enlightened Student Body”, have compiled a listing of what I feel we should be thankful for. Although mildly sarcastic, the intent is to provoke conscious thought…
Let us be thankful…
…for the Washington, D.C. Red Cross. They have so many blood donations, that they have to dump some of the blood due to inadequate storage facilities. Why not send some of the surplus to nearby states?
…for the anthrax scare. Now people all over the nation are even scared of baby powder and have found a legitimate excuse not to open their bills.
…For the veterans who, alive and deceased, who have served their country (regardless of the reason), in peacetime and wartime efforts.
…for fraternal organizations such as Auburn University’s formerly recognized chapters of Delta Sigma Phi and Beta Theta Phi. Let’s really be thankful, for they were considerate enough to remind us through their Halloween party pictures that racism is still alive and kicking. Go to for more info.
…for the tolerance that we as Black Americans must exhibit for such stupidity displayed by the two aforementioned fraternities. Let’s not hate them, but pity them.
…for the onset of holiday sales. Now everyone can have a sharp, but affordable outfit for the Bayou Classic. No doubt, this is a sure-fire prediction of a guaranteed boost in out local economy.
…for the blessing that we don’t live in Pakistan. This country, occupied by an unstable government, plans to store nuclear weapons for the United States for Afghanistan. They may not even be our allies tomorrow.
…for the blessing that you are not former Vice President Al Gore growing that beard.
…for New Orleans Saints’ RB Ricky Williams. Williams (in the end zone, mind you) butter-fingered what could have been a game-winning pass late in the fourth quarter of Sunday’s game versus the San Francisco Forty-Niners. He demonstrates that the Saints can win without his non-catching behind; and it is highly probable that we will lose with him.
…for a Texas Southern University kicker who chokes under pressure.
I am thankful for all of the readers who have given feedback, good and bad. I am thankful for the feedback of readers who send back little “snippets” of personal insults that are not applicable to the content of my editorials. Insulting me only hurts YOU, the antagonistic reader. If you must throw around your anger, do so at world hunger, unemployment, racism, or terrorism. Be thankful you have the right to lash out, but be sure that you direct it to the appropriate source. Then, I can be thankful that my people don’t appear ignorant when they respond to editorials. It is refreshing to know that our people can utilize our freedom of speech right-something that “Massa” can never take from us.
Whoever your “higher authoritative power” may be, it would behoove you to thank him or her for the blessings you already have and thank them for The Southern DIGEST.
And That’s The Way I See It…
Be Thankful
November 16, 2001
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